Chapter 15: Justin's POV

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3 Weeks Later

I walk into Cat's hospital room and sit in the chair next to her bed. It's been 3 weeks and Cat has been unconscious ever since she got out of surgery. I've been going to physical therapy for my arm and leg and stop by her room after I am done. I sigh and wish she were awake so I could just hear her voice. No matter how mad I am at her for running away from me I know that I'm still in love with my woman. I think once she wakes up and finishes healing I'm gonna take her to Thailand she's always talked about wanting to go there. I sigh and hold her hand and kiss it. I really need her to wake up. I had to break the news to her parents who I hadn't met yet until the second week of her still being in a coma. They come to visit her everyday and pray over her. They're really nice people and I aspire to have their kind of love with Cat one day.

"I miss you baby girl. You mean so much to me and I really need you to wake up. I-"

"You what Justin? You love her?" Tina snorts and walks over to me. Annoying as always, ruining the moment.

"You know you don't love least that's not what you say when I fuck you."

"Tina not now." Tina rolls her eyes and fixes the flowers that multiple people have sent Cat.

"You know if you really loved Catalaya like you say you do then why are you still in the streets and trying to take over El Rey's business?"

"Who the fuck told you that?"

"Who the fuck else?" I stare at her for a few moments.

"You fucking bitch!"

"Oh there, there, Justin baby calm down. We wouldn't want Catalaya to find out about any of your business regarding me and the dirty streets that you work on."

"Get out!"

"Mmm how about no."

"Tina I said get the fuck out. With ya hoe ass. You probably have STD's knowing you."

"No baby but you know what I do have. I have a message for you from El Rey." She says walking over to my chair and sitting on my lap. "El Rey says that if you don't have his money by sundown tomorrow there will be more accidents like this in your future. Starting with your baby girl Sky. As for Catalaya, well let's just say a certain mafia has been working with El Rey to take her from you. It'll only happen though, if you don't pay up boo." She says laughing evilly.

"Yo don't even try to hurt her. If you put ya fucking diseased hands on either of them I'll fuck you up bitch."

"Oh baby it's ok I won't hurt Sky but I don't know what El Rey will do. As for Cat, ha a certain little bird told me you may never see her again." She says before kissing my cheek. "I'll see you at home daddy." She says getting off of my lap and walking to the door. As soon as she leaves I call my Grandma and tell her to get Sky from my house and take her to the safe house that I have set up for them. Then I call Marco to make sure that he gets the rest of the money from the hair salons and barbershops and make sure that he adds in a couple thousand. After I end the call I get up and kneel next to Cat's bed. I take her hand in mine and begin to pray.

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