The Ball

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               Krystal smiled as she helped Ciel out of the carriage. Sebastian walked out right behind him. All three wore incredibly nice clothes. The two males wore tuxes while the woman wore a dark blue dress. "It's been a while since I came here," Krystal stated, looking at the opened palace doors. Ciel glanced at his maid before replying," Just remember the plan. Everything will be alright, I promise." She smiled, looking at her master. "Don't make a promise you can't keep," Krystal said, before looking ahead of her. Sebastian glanced at the pair and escorted them inside the massive building. Many people had been invited so naturally there was ton of them inside, making it uncomfortable for the earl. The trio spread out; Krystal went to the refreshments; Sebastian instantly got an invitation to dance; Ciel went to a near by wall, socializing here and there. It was only a matter of minutes until Ash spotted her. "The Queen would like to speak with you," he said, a smirk adorning his features. She mocked," Of course she would. After all, her precious little angel, couldn't kill me." Landers glared at her before walking, making her follow. However, before she left the room, Krystal bumped a near by servant, breaking all the glasses that he held. "My apologies, sir. I wasn't looking where I was going," she said, glancing around the room, meeting red eyes. Ash pulled her away from the scene into a different room. "You did that on purpose," he muttered. Krystal tilted her head as she stated," I have no idea what you are talking about."

                  Before the pair could argue further, a voice interrupted them," Krystal? Is that you, my dear?" Krystal and Ash looked forward to see the Queen in a large chair. "It's me, Your Majesty, but why is it that I am here," she questioned, kneeling down. The Queen chuckled before answering," I thought you were smarter than that, Krystal. You're obviously here because you passed." "Passed," Krystal asked, her head lifting up to look at the young, but decaying Queen. "You're alive. You see, Krystal, the plant that kept you was owned by me. Many children were not able to accept the mixture of blood so they died," the Queen stated, leaving Krystal shocked Those who did, always died by Ash's sword whenever they had disappointed me. However, you are the lone survivor. The mix between human, demon, angel, and reaper was perfect. Of course, we thought you to be dead, a failed experiment, but Ash found you at the Phantomhive manor. Why is it you never came back to me?" Krystal stayed silent, processing the information given to her. Everything she had been told was a lie, the reason for her suffering was because of the woman who "saved" her. As much as it angered Krystal, she had to keep to the plan. She took a deep breath before answering," I thought since you tried to kill me. I would stay away from you. My apologies, I didn't know it was only a test." The Queen smiled before replying," It's alright, my dear, you can repay me by killing your so called master."

                Krystal stayed silent, but smiled. "I'm sorry your majesty, but I can't do that," She said as Ciel and Sebastian entered the room. The Queen looked confused, looking between the three. Ash, instantly stood by her side, his sword beside him. Krystal took off her gloved hand revealing a contract mark. Ciel smirked, showing his second contract mark on his shoulder. "That's impossible," The Queen gasped.

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