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                            Krystal silently follows the group, further into London. No one noticed the girl clad in black following them. Joker went further ahead, letting the others set up. Krystal stayed back as she watched them. 'What are they setting up for? Are they doing a private circus for a noble,' she thought, biting her lip slightly. She continued to watch as a little girl went into the alley, carrying an empty basket and holding money in her hands. The girl was following Joker as he began to play a flute. The young girl watched in amazement as the surrounding area turned into a beautiful wonderland, watched as the circus did their tricks. Krystal could see the girl was in a trance as she followed Joker through the alley. At that moment, a police officer came into the alley, "Wait you stop," He yelled, putting his whistle to his lips. Joker's smile fallen slightly while the small girl waved to the man," Hi, Mr. Polar Bear!" The officer blew his whistle before coming closer to the pair. At that moment, Dagger threw his knives at the officer, making the blood pour from his wounds. Krystal glanced at the girl, who started clapping and yelling about streamers. More officers came into the alley, but they weren't a match to the circus. The little girl smiled the entire time, unaware of the mass murder in the alley.

                          The girl turned around to go into the carriage, but she looked up straight into the maid's eyes. "Goodbye, your majesty," she shouted waving to her before going inside the carriage. Krystal immediately turned away, her eyes widened. She was found and she needed to escape. The young maid started running from roof top to roof top, dodging Dagger's throwing knives as Doll (after her moment with Joker) ran after her. Though the circus was good, Krystal was better. Unbeknownst to them and herself, she was a supernatural being. One of dangerous origin and a creature that shouldn't have existed. Krystal was able to escape from the Circus' grasp before heading to her tent. She hid her clothes quickly and quietly as the sun started to show. She sighed in relief before putting on her normal clothes. Laughter woke up to see Princess up and ready for the day. "You know for someone who was out all night, you sure get up early," she stated. Krystal paused at the tent flap before looking back. Laughter giggled as she said," Don't worry I won't tell. I go out past curfew all the time, but next time you go out tell me." Princess nodded, glad she had such an understanding bunk mate.

                         She walked out of her tent with Laughter beside her. The pair skipped bathing, not wanting to be there with a bunch of people. "I wait till night. Yeah it's cold, but then you don't have to be indecent in front of others," Laughter stated, grabbing some break fast. Krystal followed, grabbing some breakfast, glancing up to see Ceil shaving potato skins rather poorly while Sebastian cooked. She shook her head at the pair as she started to eat. Soon enough, Ceil sat next to her with barely enough food to be considered breakfast. Across from him, was his room mate called Freckles with a mountain of food. "Wow! Black's cooking is the best," he shouted. Smile rolled his eyes before blushing as his stomach growled. Krystal smiled, giving him the rest of her food since she couldn't eat it all. "Awe you guys are so cute together," Laughter exclaimed. The pair blushed as Krystal said," We aren't together." Laughter giggled as she said," I was just teasing you." Not knowing, red eyes stared at the pair and saw their reactions.

                        Princess rolled her eyes at her friend before leaving the table. She decided to help with doing the dishes since there were so many. Krystal was halfway done when someone grabbed her waist from behind and had their head next to hers. Her eyes had widened and her face blushed at the sudden contact. "How was training," the voice whispered. Krystal replied, shaking her head," Interesting to say the least. Our suspicions about the circus is correct." Sebastian slid his hands up and down her sides as he asked," Did you tell the master yet?" "Didn't have the chance to," she replied, ignoring the tingles in her body. He said, nuzzling in her neck," Today's the circus so whenever you have the chance to tell him I'd do it quickly." Krystal moved out of his grasp, she started to dry some of the dishes. "I know, now you better go, training begins soon. I have dish duty until its done," she said. In a quick motion, all of the dishes were clean and dried. "How about we go to training together," Black replied, his arm holding out to her. Princess laughed as she grabbed his hand."You know for a demon, you seem to show a lot of emotions," she commented as she walked. Sebastian chuckled while he said," So you figured it out?" "Well that Spears guy gave it away and Ceil's face after he accused you. " "Yet you treat me the same as you did before. Why aren't you afraid," he questioned, his head tilted. Krystal answered with a smile," Why should I be? Just because your a different species doesn't mean I should be afraid of you. Besides, you have a contract with Ceil, unless he tells you too, you can't hurt me. You won't get his soul other wise." Sebastian stared at her for a moment before he asked," How do you know so much about demons?" "I read about them when I was younger. I found supernatural beings to be interesting and curious, so it wasn't just demons. I know about grim reapers, angels, vampires, etc. Though I didn't know they were real. Are all supernatural beings that they use to scare children real," Krystal replied.

                               Before Sebastian could answer, Laughter appeared in front of them and dragged the pair into the tent. "Princess is my partner. I called her," Laughter said, pulling her away from Ceil and Sebastian. Krystal laughed as everyone began to stretch. Training was shorter than usual since they had to get ready for the show tonight. Krystal helped carry crates inside the tent and eventually everything was set up. She was besides Ceil and Sebastian, taking a break. "The circus, we are correct in our suspicions," she whispered," I saw them take a small girl. I would have followed the carriage if I hadn't had to escape." Ceil nodded as he said," We're going to have to investigate further in an hour we'll investigate their tents. Sebastian will deal with the snakes while Krystal and I investigate." The three of us nodded in unison, agreeing with the plan.

------1 hour later---------------

                       Before the plan could go into full motion, Wendy and her brother came running to the trio, Wendy on her brother's back. "Black! Your going to have to go into Wendy's place, she sprained her ankle! I need to go to doc," he said, running towards the Doc's tent. Sebastian sighed as he tied up all the snakes throwing them inside a tank. "I must go to the show, you two investigate while you can," he said, before leaving the tent. Ceil and I split up, I went into Beast's tent while Ceil went into Joker's. Princess searched the area to see no clues until she saw a picture. The picture held beast and an old man. Krystal's eyes widened as she stared at the old man who held a smile as if mocking her. "No, no, no, no, no, no, not him," she whispered as she continued to stare at the picture. In her shock, she didn't notice Sebastian grab her. Krystal only noticed that they were inside small chest when he was staring in her tear filled eyes.

                      After Beast changed and left, Sebastian got out of the chest and helped her out. "Did you find anything out," Black asked. Krystal was about to reply, but before she could Ceil appeared inside the tent. "Sebastian, my name is in this letter," he said, showing the letter that was inside Joker's room. Sebastian looked through the letter to see at the end. "Tom, the piper's son," he whispered out loud. Krystal glared at the man in the photograph as she said," His name is Kelvin." The pair look over towards the maid, who pointed at the picture. "The ring in the picture, it's the signet of Baron Kelvin," Krystal stated. Though Sebastian knew there was more to it then that, he said nothing. Ceil replied," Looks like we're going to visit the old Baron. Sebastian get the carriage we are leaving tonight." The butler bowed quickly going to get the carriage as the maid continued to glare at the picture.

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