The Circus

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               Krystal walked beside Sebastian, behind their master. The three said nothing as they entered the circus grounds, showing the ticket master their tickets. While they walked around, a pale girl with blonde pigtails and green eyes suddenly jumped into Ceil's arms. The maid looked confused at the pair until Sebastian whispered in her ear," That's Lady Elizabeth Midford, the young master's fiancé and cousin." The girl knew of the young Midford from doing background checks on Ceil when she was to slay him, but she didn't expect such a bubbly loud girl. Krystal smiled at the blonde, who looked up at her with confusion in her emerald green eyes. She used to be like Lizzy once, a long time ago before she became an assassin. Krystal shook her memories away as Elizabeth asked," Ceil, who's this?" "This is Krystal, my new maid," he answered and questioned," What are you doing here?? Is Auntie and Uncle with you?" "Yeah, we came to see the circus! Brother came here too. *gasp* We should sit together," Elizabeth replied with a smile. The young earl shook his head as he stated," I can't I'm here for work." Her smile turned into frown, upset that she couldn't sit with her friend and betrothed. "The young master isn't doing anything after, my lady, he could see you after the circus," Krystal suggested, glancing at Ceil, who gave her a glare. Elizabeth's frowned instantly turned into a smile as she said," That'd be great! I'll see you after, I must be going!" The bubbly girl left the three, heading to the large tent.
                  Ceil turned to his maid, obviously annoyed and angry. "Why did you say that," He questioned, arms cross. Krystal raised an eyebrow before she answered," Isn't your duty to make your betrothed happy?? Besides, I must admit, she reminds me of myself." This statement made both Ceil and Sebastian look at her in shock, not imagining Elizabeth to be like the sly assassin. She stared back at the pair before sighing. "You seem to forget I was a young girl once. Though I hadn't been a noble, I was a rather loud feisty girl myself," Krystal said, shaking her head. The trio was interrupted by a voice," Hello Ceil! The entertainment is about to start." They turned to see Alois with his butler and a maid. The maid had long hair, pale skin, and a purple eye, the other was covered by bandages. Krystal stood beside Sebastian, not wanting another encountered with the golden eyed butler.
                  Ceil nodded at Alois before walking to the large tent with the spider. The servants followed their masters, the butlers glaring at one another while the maids both had neutral expressions. The maids sat behind the butlers, who sat beside their masters. Krystal, never having any free time to herself, was amazed inside the tent. She wondered how there was so many bleachers inside the tent. Her thoughts were disrupted by people who were selling food like peanuts, cotton candy, pretzels, etc. Her mouth watered at the sight, but kept her mouth shut. It wasn't the time nor place to act like a child, though she so desperately wanted too. All to suddenly, Sebastian had called over the peanuts and cotton candy guy, he paid for two peanuts and one cotton candy. Sebastian passed the cotton candy to Ceil and the peanuts to Krystal. She smiled genuinely as she thanked him before munching on the salted peanuts.
                 The lights dimmed down so there was nothing, but darkness. A spotlight was the only light, pointing at an orange hair man with pale skin. He had make-up on and a skeletal hand, most likely a prosthetic. "Good evening ladies and gentleman," The man greeted with a smile. He suddenly started to juggle three balls of all different colors. The red-head continued," My name is Joker! I am your host for this fine circus! *he drops the balls on his head, making Alois giggle* Now, without further a-do, let the circus begin!" A large man with bulging muscles appeared in front of Joker, blowing fire straight up. The room was filled with light, showing the other people inside the huge circle. There was a man with blonde hair and pale skin as well as a woman with black, curly hair, pale skin, and rather revealing clothes. Some people gasped, pointing above making others look up. There was a girl completely white, with her hair and clothing, except for her blue eyes, walking along a piece of wire. Then there was a pair, a boy and girl, both looking similar to each other. The host announced their names and each one waved.
Krystal was absolutely in awe as she watched the white haired girl, called Doll, walk across the wire, not faltering once as she did multiple moves on the wire. 

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