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                   Krystal groaned as she opened her eyes. The room was completely dark except for a lone torch. She tried to move, only getting so far because of the chains around her ankles. "Don't struggle too much," a voice said," It'll only hurt you more." It was a girl, that much Krystal knew for sure from the tone of the voice. "Alright, thanks. Sorry for asking, but what's your name," Krystal asks taking a bobby pin from her hair. The mysterious voice answered," My name is Lillith. I was the Trancy maid for a couple of months. He took me off the street, but I hadn't known this was far worse." "Well, Lillith, what say you to getting out of here," She asked, picking at the locks around her ankles. Lillith answered," There's nothing we can do. The chains that hold us, that demon butler has the key as well as for the door." "Who says we needed a key," the ex-assassin asked as she unlocked her chains. Lillith eyes widened as she heard a click from the girls chains. "You're good. What's your name," Lillith asked while the other prisoner walked over. Krystal smiled and answered," My name is Krystal. Now lets hurry before anyone tries to come and see us." She unlocked the chains on Lillith and held her steady. "My, what did they do to you," Krystal asked, holding the frail body. Lillith answered," All I wanted was my freedom. There was going to be a new maid to take my place, but their idea of freedom is death. They left me down here only gave me so much food and water as well as torture me." "Well, you're going to get your freedom soon, I promise," Krystal replied, starting to pick at the door.

                      Meanwhile, Ciel Phantomhive and his demonic butler arrived at the Trancy manor. Ciel didn't bother to knock as he entered the residence. Claude was with his master as Ciel and Sebastian arrived in the dining room. "Your Highness, we have unwanted visitors," He announced. Ceil and Sebastian entered the dining room. "Where is she, Trancy," Ciel asked, glaring into the turquoise eyed male. Alois smiled at the pair. "Oh, somewhere. Doing something," he answered. Ciel sighed, calming his angry demeanor. "While we wait for lunch to get ready, why not have some entertainment," Alois stated. Ciel smirked before replying," Of course. Sebastian, I order you to win." "Claude, I want you to beat Sebastian, that's an order," Trancy stated. The demonic servants went outside to the courtyard. Sebastian took out his silverware while Claude pulled out a demon sword from Hannah's mouth. Sebastian fought the five demons taking out the triplets first and then the maid. Claude was patient at watching Sebastian and began fighting as well.

                During their fight, Ciel soon got "bored" and suggested a different entertainment. "I haven't fenced before," Alois admitted taking a sword as Ciel did," what are the rules?" Ciel explained the rules carefully, planing on disobeying them as Alois did. At this time, Krystal and Lillith were able to get out of the dungeons, slowly going towards the exit. "You know I had a sister named Lillith," Krystal stated," she was sold in the black-market just as I was." "I also had a younger sister named Krystal. I was sold to an absolute pig and never saw her again," Lillith replied. The pair stopped walking and stared at each other for a moment. The pair hugged each other tightly, but quickly departed as they heard a scream. "We should go," Krystal said, dragging her sister towards the exit consequently where the scream came from.

                As they ran into the foyer, they saw Alois on the floor holding his side and Ceil standing up, his hand covered in blood while the two demon butlers ran in. "Ciel," Krystal called to him, making the boy pause his final blow. Claude picked up the standing Earl, making Ciel smack him. He walked towards Krystal who was holding Lillith. "It's about time you showed up," he said, making the girl chuckle. Krystal helped Lillith down the stares only for her to collapse. "Lillith," Krystal yelled, holding her hand. The frail girl was too far gone, her walking was far too much for the beaten girl. "Go, Krystal. Death will come and take me soon. You live life to the best of your abilities," Lillith whispered. At that moment, a red-haired reaper jumped through the window landing into the foyer. Ciel and Sebastian rolled their eyes as the reaper checked his book, making sure it was the right soul. "Who are you," Krystal asked, tilting her head. "Hm? My name is Grell Sutcliff and I'm here to reap this poor girls soul," he said with a toothy smile. She frowned, looking at Lillith's body, before turning around. "Do your job I guess," Krystal said, leaving the reaper and towards her master. Before she could say anything, Grell turned her around and grabbed her chin. Krystal blushed at the sudden closeness while Grell stared into her multi-colored eyes. "What are you," he questioned. Krystal couldn't answer, not knowing what she was. Sebastian grabbed her and pulled her away from the reaper into his chest. "Get to your work Sutcliff," he demanded. Grell instantly swooned as he yelled," BASSY! I didn't notice you were here!!" Krystal chuckled at the nickname while Sebastian glared. "Let's go, I have too much work to do to deal with this," Ciel announced as he walked away. Krystal and Sebastian followed, not before Grell said he'd visit.

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