Chapter Eight

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Mingus looked at the end of the bed in the direction of the TV. "The doritos... They're down there..." He whined.

"Yeah, I noticed." I used my incredible legs to pick up the doritos with my feet and bring them up towards us.

"That, my dear, was amazing."

I laughed. "Let's just watch Scrubs instead of obsessing over my weird legs."

That got a laugh out of him. We watched Scrubs until my alarm clock blinked 3:34am. Jeez, you could REALLY lose track of time when watching good shows. At least he finally got caught up to where I was.

'Now we can finally watch together...' I thought to myself. I yawned and rolled over onto my stomach.

"Aw, you're already tired?" Mingus whined/ laughed.

I yawned again. "Yeah, actually."

"Yeah... Me too. Goodnight, Whit."

"Goodnight, Ming."

He rolled over towards me and wrapped his arms around my stomach. I smiled and thought about what my sister would think when she came in here the next morning.


I woke up to the amazing smell of bacon and pancakes. I yawned and saw that Mingus was still asleep, in pretty much the same position we fell asleep in.

I moved myself so I was facing towards him.

"Hey. You. Wake up!" I said laughing.

He yawned. "Mmm... Morning already?"

"Yes, sir. It is morning, alright. Well actually..."

"1:30?!" Mingus said, startled.

"Yes, babe. But I don't think anyone was up before us since I smell breakfast NOW." I said calmly.

We both got out of bed and stretched. "Oh, how good it felt to sleep a whole night." I sighed.

He laughed. "Let's go eat, then we can go do something."

We went to the kitchen and saw that there were two plates on the counter, still steaming. The funny thing was, my sister and Norman were no where to be found. I shrugged and pulled up a chair at the counter. I patted the chair next to me. "Feel free."

Mingus sat down and dug into his food without a word. I laughed. "I'm going to guess that you were pretty hungry?"

"Very!" He said between bites.

We finished breakfast in almost complete silence. I put our plates into the dishwasher and ran into Chrissy's room.

"Hey, guys!" I said, expecting them to be awake. But to my surprise, they were still asleep. "Okay, guys. I know you're faking it."

Just as I finished that sentence, I heard a faint snoring. It came from Chrissy. Chrissy never snored unless she was REALLY asleep. I walked over to her side of the bed and shook her awake.

"Wha... What are you doing up?" She asked, still half asleep.

"The question is, what are you doing sleeping again? Why would you make breakfast and not just stay awake?" I asked.

Norman opened his eyes warily. "Mmm... What's going on?"

I paused, realizing something that could be potentially terrible. "D-did you guys not make breakfast?"

"No? Why would I make breakfast? I'm a terrible cook." Chissy said.

"Me, too." Norman added.

I felt like I was going to pass out. I ran out into the kitchen, where I saw Mingus on the couch. It looked like he was asleep. My heart raced. I went to him and tried to shake him awake. He wouldn't wake up.

I yawned. Man, I was getting tired. I sat down on the couch next to Mingus, leaning on his chest. I yawned again, and just before I realized what had just happened to us, I passed out.

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