Chapter Seven

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t I walked in the door at 12:30am.


Guess who wasn't impressed?

I snuck past the kitchen and was almost to my bedroom, when Chrissy stepped in front of my door.

"Turn it around there missy. Park it on the couch." She said. God did she sound like a mother, or what?

I went over onto the couch, expecting a huge lecture. Just as Chrissy sat down next to me, my pocket made a *ding* sound.

"Don't you dare answer that." Chrissy barked just as I was about to answer it.

"Well then."

"Whitney, do you have ANY idea how worried I was? I mean, you could've died!" Chrissy complained.

"I highly doubt I would've died in Norman Reedus's basement." Well, THAT'S not a sentence you hear every day.

"You don't know that! I mean, you're my little sister! I am supposed to protect you!"

"Dude. Don't even complain at me. You didn't even text me. Norman gave me a ride home an hour after he got back to their house. It's not that big of a deal." I said.

"Fine. I get where you're coming from. But you didn't do IT with him, did you?" Chrissy asked in a non-chilant tone.

"I could ask you the same question..." I said, glaring at her.

Her face turned bright pink.

I facepalmed. "Did you REALLY just have sex with Norman Reedus in my apartment?" Again, not a sentence you hear every day.

"It wasn't sex!" She whined. "We didn't go that far with it! We just hardcore made-out on the couch."

"Where..." I asked.

"Right about where you're sitting."

"EW!" I screamed. I bolted into my room and stripped my clothes. I didn't exactly like the idea of my sister's and Norman Reedus's slobber all over my clothes. I changed into my pajama's and flipped on the TV. I watched Robot Chicken for about 5 minutes when I remembered my phone...

I checked it out: *Heyy :) Had a lot of fun with you tonight! You should call me tonight, too. I love the sound of your voice. Like, ohmygod. Anyways, if you are asleep by the time I sent this, goodnight hun! Sweet dreams cx*

God he was cute.

I texted him back: *Heyyy! I had fun with you too! Did you still want me to call you?*

I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was almost 1:00 already. He was probably asleep by now. But no. I got a reply in under 2 minutes! He was impressive...

*I'm glad:) and of course I do!!*

I smiled and called Mingus. It rang once and he picked up.

"Well, hello there." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh, hi!" I said, laughing.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Ah, just chillin' like a villian."

"You're laying in bed, aren't you."

"Damn you're good!" I laughed.

"Yeah, I am! So do you wanna hang tomorrow? Or nah?" He asked.

I laughed at the 'or nah.' "Yes, of course. You can come here if you want to..."

"Awesome. I can't WAIT to re-meet your sister!"

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