Chapter One Hundred Forty Five

Start from the beginning

Zayn shrugs, "I mean I couldn't convince them to wait for you and Niall to come back to go swimming. So who knows" he chuckles wiping his face when Chloe giggles as she splashes him. "That being said I could go for some lunch. What did you have in mind?" Zayn asks, gently splashing Chloe back.

Liam laughs and shakes his head making water droplets fling everywhere which makes both twins squeal and wipe at their faces. "I was thinking we could just get something poolside and spend the afternoon here, the kids are all having so much fun, and to be honest I'm exhausted" he explains. Zayn just nods and cuddles Chloe to his chest as she lets out a yawn and snuggles into him. 

"You tired Chloe?" Zayn hums but the toddler shakes her head wildly at him.

"Not s'eepy Baba, hungry. Want snack" Chloe mumbles, still cuddled into his bare chest. 

Zayn chuckles as he nods, "well how about we get out and we can all have some lunch" he hums. 

Chloe yawns again and nods her head, "hungry" she mumbles and Zayn can't help but coo as he carries her towards the stairs and climbs out of the pool moving back over to the lounge chairs their stuff has been holding for them all day.

Liam's right behind him with Zack, who's chanting about pizza as they walk, until Liam drops the toddler gently to sit on one of the lounge chairs, Zayn chuckles when Chloe squirms out of his arms, wanting to cuddle up with Zack, and both he and Liam coo when the toddlers curl up together on the one chair. 

"What are we doing?" Niall asks as he walks up with Bella on his shoulders, before the five year old swings herself down and cuddles into Liam's side on one of the chairs. Zayn smiles fondly at his family before turning to face Niall.

"We were planning on ordering some food, and just hanging out here" Zayn explains looking around to see that the twins appear to be sleeping and Bella is tracing over some of Liam's tattoos aimlessly.

Niall grins, "good, I'm starving" he chuckles flopping onto another empty chair. Zayn can't help but smile fondly at the scene in front of him, and how content everyone looks and he feels.


"Can I take you out to dinner tonight?" Liam asks laying on top of Zayn where he's been laying by the pool, almost asleep since they finished lunch. Chloe and Zack have been napping in the chair beside him and Bella was playing in the pool with Niall and Liam. "Niall's already agreed to watch the kids for us. Please Zayn? I want to take you out" Liam hums, pressing a kiss to Zayn's jaw.

Zayn shivers and blinks his eyes open to look into Liam's pleading brown eyes. "Yeah, that would be great. I would love to go out with you" he mumbles, wrapping his arms around his wet husband and pulling him into his chest. "But right now let's nap" Zayn yawns, gripping Liam tightly to him. Zayn feels Liam chuckle before he drifts off to sleep again, loving the warmth from his husband.

"No Baba, don't wear that one" Bella huffs, making a face as she reaches out to take the tie Zayn was about to put on from his fingers. "Wear the other one" she adds gesturing to the second tie Zayn had brought out to get ready for dinner with Liam.

Zayn arches an eyebrow at Bella who is sitting cross legged on his and Liam's bed watching him get ready, "and what's wrong with this tie?" he asks. Bella just rolls her eyes and points to the second tie again. Zayn playfully groans before he grabs the tie Bella suggested and starts putting it on, and he has to admit it goes better with this suit than the one he was about to wear.

"See that one's so much better" Bella grins, ducking out of the way when Zayn reaches out to tickle her. "What would you do without me?" she asks, giggling when Zayn balls up the first tie and tosses it at Bella.

"Yes Boo. I would never be able to dress myself without your help. I'm not sure how I managed all those years before you were born" Zayn teases, making Bella roll her eyes again. "I need you to help Uncle Niall, take care of Chloe and Zack tonight okay? Please don't make things hard for him" Zayn asks.

Bella grins at him and climbs onto his lap when Zayn sits on the bed, "I will Baba, don't worry" she hums snuggling into him. Zayn wraps his arms around Bella and presses a kiss to her hair, soaking in every second she still wants to cuddle because he knows it won't last forever.

Liam pops his head into their bedroom then, "you ready to go Zayn?" he asks, "our reservation is in half an hour" Liam adds. Bella grins hopping off Zayn's lap, so he can get up and before either man can say anything she's heading out into the rest of the hotel suite calling for Niall.

"Seriously when did she get so big?" Zayn pouts as he watches his five year old daughter walk away.

Liam chuckles and pulls Zayn into his chest, "I don't know, but I think we need to find a way to stop her from growing up anymore. Let's just freeze time so all our babies stay the way they are right now" he insists.

Zayn grins, pressing a quick kiss to Liam's lips, "I wish" he sighs. "You look very nice by the way" Zayn adds, pulling away from Liam slightly to look the older man up and down. Liam's wearing a suit, which Zayn sees him in all the time, but there's just something about the way Liam looks tonight, that Zayn finds irresistible.

"So do you" Liam hums, pressing their lips together one more time. "Now come on let's go have dinner, before we miss our reservation" he adds, linking his and Zayn's fingers together, and Zayn comes willingly when Liam tugs him out of the room. 

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