My First Friend

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      I walk into this beautiful place surrounded by lush green trees and beautiful gardens. I am going to spend the next four years here. There is a basketball court at the entrance and a playground just behind it.

     'Sapphire Hills Public School' reads the giant arch in front of it. Though I am happy that this scenic place is going to be my new school, a sense of anxiety and curiosity whirls inside me. I am still sad due to the separation from my old friends. Will things be the same like it was in Lille's School? I don't know.

  "Kushi.... Take care.....Bye", shouts my mother as she is waving  inside her car.

 "Bye Mom..... I am just going to be fine. I am fourteen". But will I really be fine? Will I be the same old happy me here too? I don't know. I put on a smile in my face and walk forth to hide my nervousness.

 I have never been to a Co-ed school before. Lille's was an all girls school and I never had been in the same class with boys since by KGs. Are they going to be just like everybody else? I don't know........

 The teachers start hustling the students to go for the morning assembly. I don't know any place in here' so I just follow the crowd. Finally I reach the place. The assembly hall was not as large as the one in Lillie's, but this was enough.

"All the new students, please come to the right most corner of the stage!" said the principal. I walked silently to the end. There were many other new girls. One girl was there standing already. She seemed to be shy.

"Hi I am Kushi", said I. 

"Hello, I am Rona", she said.

We had not received our socks yet. So I was wearing the socks of  my old school. I gazed down. Surprisingly, Rona had the same socks too. I never saw Rona in Lille's.

" Are you from Lille's too?"

"No,I am from St. Gabriel".

Now I understood. St. Gabriel was another school of the same congregation(St. Gabriel sisters of Lille) Lille's belonged to. I knew it from one of the speeches I said during the Foundress' Feast day in Lille's.

"Can we be friends?" I asked, extending  my hand forwards for a handshake. 

"Friends!", said she shaking my hand.

I made my first friend quickly.... I thought I could make more. But I was mistaken. By 2:30, I was completely shattered.


Sapphire Hills Public SchoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang