Startling Start

13 2 1

   The assembly got over. The other students left for their classes. Myself , Rona and a few other students stood in the same place not knowing what to do. Some teachers came and welcomed us .

    After a short period of what felt like eternity, 3 teachers came with some lists. They started calling out our names one after one and pointed their fingers towards our respective classrooms. I listened raptly. " KUSHI LUNA " called out a teacher. Without any haste, I entered the classroom which he was pointing at.

 With my heart filled with curiosity, I glanced around.

    Bright azure tinted benches and similar chairs filled the room. The class was noisy and bright. Incredibly large windows made of crystal clear and transparent glass , enabled us to see directly out of the class. But since our class room was located at the ground floor, the only things visible through it were the mountains, the clear sky and the compound. The class room was incredibly large for 30 students ( Actually, it isn't . I felt so because at Lillie's, a classroom of the same size was used for 60 students.)

 I walked in. I found the girls gathering in one side and boys in the other. After some time, most of the girls sat in the left side of the classroom and boys sat in the right. I grabbed myself a chair and was about to be seated while a girl arrived out of nowhere and said silently, "mmm... Hey ,that's my seat".

 I was a courageous girl. I was always firm with my decisions. But this new girl intrigued me. The new environment must have been the reason for it. She never used a harsh tone. In fact, she asked me gently than I ever would have if I was in her shoes. But something made me feel alarmed. Feelings and emotions of helplessness surged in me for no reason.

 I gave a sheepish smile and gently got up and moved to another bench. I was trying to adjust my bag and was searching for a place to place my lunch bag. As I tried to make myself convenient, I saw Rona entering the classroom. I heaved a sigh of relief and waited for  her to come.


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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