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My heart ached. It was his fault. Xander’s fault. When he first left I would describe my pain as an insatiable fire that burnt all the oxygen in my body leaving me listless and empty.

But now it is more like a thin layer of ice, cooling my insides, a gentle reminder or the pain that came before and a warning not to stoke that fire again.

They say once bitten, twice shy, but I think for me forever shy fits the bill. I used to get over guys in a few days but this had lasted a week. It wasn’t like me to do that.

“Stop moaning.” Janise complained.

“Have you ever been through this? Hmm?” I asked defensively. I loved Xander with all my heart. He made me so happy. He made me feel so loved, so special. My world alight with all and each of the colours of the rainbow and different colourful feelings.

Now it’s all gone. No happiness. No love, no colours. Living in a world of black and white.

“Shut up and make this please.”

I groaned and snapped back “You do realise you’re talking to the high warlock of Brooklyn right?”

“Just make it or leave.” Even though I didn’t want to, I snapped my fingers making a slice of chocolate cake and a coffee appear. Yes, a warlock working in a café isn’t a usual occurrence but I needed something to take my mind off him.

It wasn’t working much though. My plan had failed. At least I was getting paid.
A small group of shadow hunters entered the café, two boys and a girl. They seemed ordinary. Each of them dressed in black with various weapons attached to their belts and on straps or buckles.

Plain, usual shadow hunters.

I walked groggily over to the table they chose to sit at and asked for what they would like. The blonde guy seemed annoyed for some reason at the guy with his head hung low, his ash black hair swooping down over his face.

“What would you like today?” I asked putting on my happiest tone possible.

“Is being able to kill that son of a-”

“Preferably something from the menu.” I replied before he could finish.

The girl pepped up and chose a small drink for herself then hit the guy with dark hair on the arm. “Alec, what do you want.”
at that he raised his head and his electric blue eyes stunned me. The first colour I had seen since my ex, blue.


And it was such a sweet yet poisonous colour. Like a bee I was attracted to it immediately, but I knew it couldn’t be for the good.

Blue. A colour that held the qualities if being sad or adventurous, or cold or electrifying. So many emotions in this one colour. I adored it.

But to say his eyes were blue is like calling the sun yellow or the grass green, sufficient but not accurate to capture the burning brilliance.

“Just a glass of milk please.” His quiet, smooth voice murmured. I scribbled it down on the pad quickly and turned to the blonde guy. How he could be annoyed at the blue eyed perfect one was very very questionable.

“And for you?”

Wow. Him. That boy. His eyes.

“A coffee, black.”

I noted his answer but my mind was spinning just thinking of the other guy.
“Is that everything?” I replied, the heartache for the previous jerk (what was his name again?) was very faint; gone almost. As they nodded I moved back to the counter and clicked my fingers making a milk and a black coffee.

I made sure the milk was as sweet as could be, and added extra sugar, a biscuit…no two biscuits and a spoon to the saucer. Unlike the coffee which was slid onto the saucer unevenly with not even a spoon on the side.

“Guess you are over it.” Janise murmured with a smirk. I kicked her but lightly and in return she half gasped then laughed.

I took the drinks to the table but on the way a different customer pulled out their chair making me slip and spill the drinks. But they didn’t just land on the floor. They landed all over the three shadowhunters. Mostly the boys as the female jumped from her chair as soon as I fell. She must have expected it.

“ughh…” The blonde one groaned and stood up then mumbled something almost inaudible under his breathe. “Thanks a lot, mundane.” That made me laugh. I was not a mundane. I snapped my fingers and cleaned up the blue eyed boy apart from a patch on his cheek. Taking a napkin from my pocket I handed it to him and smiled.

“Apologises.” Then I clicked my fingers and the girl was back to normal, the drinks all cleared up and everything in its right place. Expect the blonde one. He was acting too dick-like.

I smiled and slowly backed away. I glanced over my shoulder to see the boy notice my number on the napkin.

I hoped he would call.

He would call.

So this one is shorter and less imaginative so next time expect something bigger and better! I promise you guys♥

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