I got a job.

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Normally I just used my magic to conjure up anything I needed, like food or a new bed but after listening to Clary complain about how that’s stealing and how wrong it is in the mundane world doing it felt…strange.

“We’re not in the mundane world Clarissa, the laws don’t apply.” I told her but she continued to argue about how I would feel it a warlock stole something of mine by magic. Not that anyone would dare touch my belongings, ever, but it did hit something inside of me.

So I did the normal (well normal for a mundane) thing for money, I got a job. Boring office jobs seemed a pointless waste of my time. I wanted something fun, then I found modelling. The ad only asked for someone for a magazine but it intrigued me. And this is how everything began.

Usually, I would include Alec in every one of my decisions considering we were now nearly a year into our relationship but this time something inside me kept it hidden. It was my new dark secret.

I tried out later that morning, the shoot was thrilling and exhilarating but most of all my stunning looks and mega confidence gave me the edge others didn’t. I loved this new job, and better yet the pay was amazing!


Around a week later myself and Alec were talking a small walk, he tried his best to get out of it but I always loved these small moments, they were romantic and pure bliss. Our fingers interlaced a the warm summer breeze added to the perfect afternoon. The sun was low in the sky and projected different shades of reds and pinks, it was amazing.

“Are you hungry Sweetie?” I asked Alec with a small smile, I couldn’t help but smile in his company. He nodded eagerly but as I had planned dinner already this was to be a snack. We entered the first mundane corner shop and searched the shelves.

I picked up a two packets of crisps and a sausage roll each. Alec was around the other side, his bright eyes wide with amusement as he scanned the papers of mundane news. The world they lived in was nothing like ours and I guess part of him liked seeing the differences. That was Alec.

As I paid for the items then found my way around the same side I was at before to watch him see this other world, this simpler world I fell harder and harder for him. As if It was humanely possible.

But then in one instance his eyes changed from amusement and curiosity to an emotion I doubted Alec would ever have. Jealousy. My brows burrowed and I walked to his side.

“Alec?” I asked then saw the reason behind his face. He was looking at me, but me in flesh. He was looking at me on the magazine cover.

“By the Angel, am I seeing this or is this you Magnus?” He eyes moved from the magazine to me then back to the cover.

“I-I was going to tell you. Clary said I should get a job and so I did but…” I trailed off, not knowing how to finish my sentence.

He didn’t say another word.

He just left.

“Alec wait!” I attempted to keep him here, to let me explain but he just left. I wasn’t too sure why he had gotten so worked up over it. I mean, it was betting then clicking my fingers and getting what I wanted right?


I found him later back in our apartment curled up on the sofa with the duvet on him, the TV switched on but quietly and Chairman Meow purring against his lap. My lips wouldn’t form the words I wanted to say. After having a small internal war with myself I changed into pyjamas and sat on the sofa too but at the opposite end.

My gaze looked over to him a few times and my mouth parted to speak but yet again words failed me. Since when was the High Warlock of Brooklyn silenced? It hurt not to speak to him when he was clearly upset.

I shut my eyes and tried to force every emotion away from my body, to feel them rippling off me in waves but it only helped until a small something brushed around my arm. I thought it was Chairman at first but soon realised it was Alec.

His head was rested upon my shoulder and his eyes looking up at me, wide, blue and innocent. “I’m sorry.” He murmured. “I over-reacted.”

I smiled back sympathetically, he hadn’t done anything wrong apart from leave and I didn’t think I had either but if I took Isabelle’s word and ‘flipped’ things around would I be okay with Alec on magazines? No. I was too selfish. I wanted him for me and me only. I guess that explained the jealous. 

“I forgive you.” I replied and kissed his nose. Chairman who was now alone at the other side of the sofa meowed then scrambled over to us.

Thank you for reading Munchkins!(:
Hmm I'm debating doing smut in the next chapter? Tell me whatcha think in the comments!♥

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