School games.

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It was a typically school day late into the summer term and Magnus was waiting on the bench for the rest of his squad to arrive. They were the popular kids, not the football jocks or the nerd squad but the group with every in trend possible and high standards for anyone thinking of even talking to them.

Some called them bitches behind their backs or dicks but no one dare say it to their faces. They had too much street cred and knew too many people. If they wanted they could make anyone's life a living hell. But they weren't so much into bullying others as they were having contests within the group.

Two of the walked over the bench Magnus was perched upon with their designer jackets and a cigarette tucked behind their ear.

"Suuup!" They yelled once in short distance of Magnus. He returned the greeting and they each slapped each other on the back as a warming gesture of acceptance.

"Have you heard?" One of them began, glancing over his shoulder. "There's a new kid."

They each cocked their heads to a side and hummed as if they were all pleased with this fact. Magnus pushed his hair back into place with one hand whilst requesting who. "Oh just this dark haired kid, he seems quite weird actually BUT I overheard all the lasses talking and they've decided to do a 'who can kiss him first game' although I don't really  get it because it's not like he's hotter than me."

The boy kept talking but Magnus wasn't listening. He just had to get in on this game.

After first lesson, Magnus still hadn't seen the supposed new kid, which was a shame considering he had been thinking about in what way to kiss him. Where would he put his hands? Would he have a conversation with him first? Tongue?

He still hadn't fully conjured up a plan when he finally laid his eyes upon him. He was fairly small with an average frame and a mop of dark hair accompanied by heavy, solemn brows that were offset by a shy grin. A pair of eyes the colour of sea glass gleamed behind square-framed glasses that kept slipping down his short nose.

His slender body was agile as he skimmed past the flock of people with books pressed to his chest. Several of them bit their lower lips and one girl yelled "DAYYUUMMM.." so loudly that a blush was visible on his skin which was milky from years of poring over texts in the library.

Now was Magnus' moment, if not someone else would win the game and he had too. So without further ado he jumped over, pushing a few juniors out of his way and blocked the new kids path.

"Well hello there." He smirked, and accompanied his greeting with a wink.

"uh.." The boy stumbled over his words. Magnus out his hand on the boys shoulder and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I suggest you close your eyes." He murmured but before he had time to think, Magnus had his lips against the boy's. The kiss was soft, smooth yet quick. Too quick.

Then, hoorah hoorah, the boy started kissing back. He was not expecting that, but oh my was it a delightful surprise. Both of them relished in the sweet and innocent tasting of lips. It was not passionate or fiery or lust-filled madness but a cute, small hello.

"I'm Magnus by the way." The addition to his reply fell from his lips as a silent whisper near the boy's ear before their lips reunited once more.


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{ unedited }

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