Ave Atque Vale.

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Magnus was stuck inside waiting for his parcel with chairman meow upon his lap licking the remaining particles of his last meal from his paws. It had been a busy four months to say the least. He had been certain to keep himself busy as it stopped him thinking.

Oh how he hated thinking. If his stupid brain would only shut off for one moment without having to be doing something physically it was a miracle.

After the first month Magnus hadn't thought to keep himself busy and simply loitered around in his own little world – ignoring everything and everyone for the reason behind his happiness was no longer around.

Alec was supposed to be out for nine months over there, how was he supposed to cope?

He was mentally exhausted but he knew perfectly well why he couldn't go to Idris with them all however it didn't make it any less painful. He was missing his shadowhunter – maybe even forgetting small parts of him.

Whenever Magnus tried to imagine his love he could only picture his Alec but only in one instance. It was when they spent the weekend doing nothing but relaxing in the park with a picnic. The sky was bright and the grass was green. It was the perfect memory.

Alec's laugh, his dark hair, his eyes, his sweater and glasses.

But he couldn't remember his voice, only his laugh. It shocked and pained Magnus to think about it. How could he forget something so prominent? Something he adored so intensely?

A part of him wondered how long he would remember the day for if he had started forgetting parts already.

Today was one of the days where nothing interested him. He had attempted his magic, reading, writing, cleaning, shopping but everything had already been done days before. He was dry to the bone and left alone in a state of utter loneliness.  

The only one by his side, chairman meow, had even decided to wander out of his lap and out the window in the kitchen. A small fragment of his mind wanted to follow and see what it was he got up to on a daily basis but he didn't. Moving was too much of a mental effort.

All he wanted was Alec.

It wasn't like he could go to the institute either and route through his love's belongings in his room to try and keep him fresh in his memory but he had to wait in for the stupid parcel. He had been informed that it was supposed to have been delivery about 15 minutes ago but they're always late.

He was almost certain that they just pretended to drop the items off and then ring up saying you weren't in meaning you had to go and collect it. The idea of that brought a sweet bliss to his mind as it meant getting out of the house.

Knock, knock.

He groaned. Maybe he wouldn't be getting out of the house then. Then a part of him lit up, maybe Alec was home early.

With the sudden excitement that his shadowhunter could be reunited with him he swung open the door and grinned upon seeing dark hair – but it wasn't as dark as he remember t being – and blue eyes.

Horrid blue eyes. They had no shine, no emotion.

With a sigh he assessed the rest of the boy who standing in typical delivery uniform and a cap saying 'international mail co' upon the visor side of it. His heart sank and he puffed a breath out in irritance.

"Just sign here sir."

With a roll of his eyes he signed the electronic device and picked up the package. The boy seemed to look in shock, maybe it was because it was pretty heavy – or maybe because he wasn't wearing his usual attire but instead of one of Alec's "over-sized" sweaters. It was over sized on Alec but seemed to just fit Magnus.

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