Baking a cake, okay.

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I knocked rapidly on Magnus’ door. The idea of using the key I had sprung to mind but then it occurred to me that I didn’t actually have the key. It was back in my bedroom at the Institute. My knuckles were raw red from knocking but he wasn’t answering!

Magnus!” I yelled and knocked once more. As if by magic the door swung open to show a half-naked warlock with an eyeliner pen in his hand. His features were scrunched up in annoyance but as he registered it was me the edges of his lips turned up into a small smile.

“Alec honey why didn’t you use your key?” He asked and began walking into the apartment. I followed him and closed the door behind us.

“I left it as the institute but never mind about that I need your help, please.” My eyes were wide and innocent. I really did need his help. He continued walking until he reached his, what I presumed was his, previous position. Eyeliner pen in hand in front of the bedroom mirror.

He must have detected the urgency in my voice and stayed composed until his eyes were perfectly finished. “What is it you need?” The smile was still on his lips subtly, like he was hiding the fact he was happy to see me.

“It's Max’s birthday and Isabelle thought it would be good for me to make the cake but the thing is I can’t actually bake a cake or really know anything about cooking and buying one seemed to be not…uh nice enough.” I rambled saying the words so quickly I doubted he heard them.

My warlock chuckled and looked down at me, his fingertips brushing my cheek. I murmured his hand and took a hold of his hand. Now was not the time.

“Has anyone ever told you how adorable you are when you’re worried?” He paused for a split second to read my reaction which was of course blushing a light pink before continuing. “Baking a cake, okay. I’ll go and fetch the ingredients, you set up the oven.”

Magnus took some trousers from off the floor and slipped them on then threw one of my sweaters over the top of his top. His lips met my forehead then he vanished. Again, magic.

I turned back to look at the kitchen. “Setting the oven?” I spoke aloud to myself. After meddling with several dials and switches it started to make a noise and the light had lit up. Had I done it? I hoped so.

Magnus walked in with a bag filled with different ingredients. He laid them out on the kitchen side and smiled at me then his eyebrows burrowed. He was looking at the oven. “Alec sweetie you just turned the light on.”

I nervously laughed and ran my hand through my hair. I wasn’t sure how to cook, or work a cooking instrument. My skills went as far as my bow and arrow. Magnus flicked the right switches and turned the right dial then pulled out a metal tray from his cupboard.

Once everything was set up and the cake was in the oven I grinned widely, Max would have a cake and I knew it would taste amazing thanks to my perfect boyfriend.

My hands were covered in flour and the powder hung in the air giving it a smell that can only be described as plain. I clapped my hands and a huge puff of flour exploded and coated us both in a thin layer of the white mist. He looked at me with parted lips then scooped some into his hands and threw it at me.

“Got you!” Magnus yelled. I looked down to see the flour all over me. Now it was his turn. I got to handfuls and chased him around the table then into the living room laughing all the time. My first throw had missed him but somehow managed to cover the floor, the sofa and every other object within a metre.

“Missed!” He laughed, I laughed too then grabbed his arm and pulled us both to the floor.

“Now I've got you.”

“So you have.” We were whispering now. Well until I threw my handful of flour onto him , most of it went on his hair turning to white.

“ALEXANDER! My hair! What have you done!” I couldn’t help but laugh more and held my stomach when it started to hurt. He was looking at me with a shocked expression. His lips pressed together but I knew he was holding back a smile.


Thank you for reading Munckins!(:
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