I will always care.

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His foot lashed towards my head, and the only thing that brought my elbow up in time was luck. I let out a grunt as my forearm bore the impact then regained my balance. A small evil smile spread across his lips as I managed to pull myself to my feet. My knees were weak, blood stained my clothes and the reality of death dawned upon me.

I knew going against a vampire with only my bare hands and hope was useless but it gave Isabelle time to run. A final snarl left his lips. His body crouched over preparing to pounce. I was about to mumble a plead, a pray, anything that could have saved me but he came too quickly. The cold, harsh floor welcomed me with darkness.


“What was he doing there in the first place?!” A familiar yet angered voice asked. Magnus. My Magnus. The weight pulling down on my eyelids was hard to fight so it took several minutes before I could open them to see the world around me.

The white sheets on top of my body were scratchy and made sitting uncomfortable. The walls held a thin layer of dust and the old fashioned wallpaper mixed with wooden flooring meant I could be nowhere other than the institute. The book cabinet in the corner of the room and a few wardrobes and shelves told me that this room was mine.

“By the angel Alec.” Jace murmured and shook his head in the same instance his arms folded across his chest. He looked like his usual self and it was calming. The corners of my lips tugged into a small smile.

A feather-light touch upon my left arm made me look that way to see Magnus and Izzy. His golden cat-like eyes almost smiled back and his whole body looked like it had been brought to life. His features were so beautiful it stunned me every time.

“Are you okay Sweetie?” He asked but before I could answer Isabelle was handing me a sweet smelling drink. My throat suddenly felt dry, empty. A new hunger arose from inside and felt uncontrollable. Within a few seconds of placing the edge of the cup to my dried lips the contents of the cup was gone.

“What was that?” I asked and handed back the cup, craving more. My hands pushed my body up a little too quickly than I thought possible. Another look around and I realised the room was darker than usual. The windows had been covered over in cloths and towels but why?

“Alec listen-” Izzy started but Magnus cut her off.

I didn’t get there in time. He bit you.” His voice was disappointed and his eyes moved from mine to the ground. He bit me?  Why would someone… Then the memories flooded my mind like water from behind a broken dam. I was fighting a vampire. “I’m sorry.” Magnus added bringing his gaze back to meet mine. So did that mean I was a vampire now too? The drink was that…blood?!

I jumped out of the bed and moved too quickly. My eyes that should have been blurry picked up every little detail in the room and had been stumbling backwards into my book cabinet. I couldn’t take this. A shadow hunters job was to protect from downworlders and demons. How could I do that if I’m a vampire! A small sigh left my lips . What was I to do now?

Simon came in and nudged my shoulder gently. “This makes two of us now.” He teased but it didn’t help. Isabelle glared at Simon and practically pushed him out of the room. Jace locked the door and murmured a small “better” to himself.

“Alec this changes some things but at least you’re not dead right?”

“You can’t feel me can you.”

Jace didn’t reply. I wasn’t his parabatai anymore. To him I must have died. I did die. Magnus slowly rose from the chair he was sitting on and walked over to my side. Every step he took seemed calculated.

“We still care about you Alexander. I still care. I will always care.” 

So I understand I edited some of the ways vampires in Cassandra's world so don't kill me please? 
Please vote/comment if you liked it!
Thank you Muchkins(:

Malec - One Shots.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن