Chapter 1 - In the Beginning

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Friday the 4th of July 2016 – 9:36am
"I'm sorry Danielle...but it's not going to work out." Jess Fisher, Dani's social worker explained.
"So now what?" Dani asked, angry that this was happening again.
"We've found another family that can take you tonight" Jess responded.
"Great" Dani sighed, standing up to grab her things.

Friday the 4th of July 2016 – 7:15pm
"Dani, this is Chris and Ashley Mead" Jess said, introducing Dani to her new foster placement parents.
"Hi..." Dani said quietly – like the shy 14-year-old she was.
"It's good to meet you, please, come on in" Ashley said, stepping aside to the let Dani and Jess inside. Dani walked inside and instantly felt calmer and more relaxed. The house was warm and cosy and for once in the last year, Dani felt like she actually had somewhere where she would settle down because being bounced from foster home – to foster was starting to take it's toll on the 14-year-old.

Tuesday the 22nd of May 2018 – 2:45pm
Travis Montgomery and Vic Hughes had been called to the group home to deal with a teenager who had lost their temper and punched a wall. After being assessed, the teenager refused to go to the hospital, so Travis and Vic finished up and left with one of the staff members. They had to give a copy of their paperwork to the staff member, so they were currently stood at the main reception area.
"How can I help you?" The receptionist asked, seeing someone walk inside.
"Hi, Danielle Ann Flanagan – I'm you're new resident" The 16-year-old said to the receptionist.
"Right, fill this out and a member of staff will be with you shortly." The receptionist said, handing Dani a clipboard and pointing over to the empty chairs. Dani smiled before walking away. She dumped her bags onto the floor before sighing and sitting down. She had had a killer headache all day and this was the last she wanted to be doing. After being bounced from home-to-home over the last 2 years, Dani had been placed into a group home specifically for teenagers. Dani looked down and started to fill out the form. When she got about halfway through, she stopped and put the clipboard down. Dani gripped her head and rubbed her temples and sighed. She rubbed her eyes and went to grab a drink for the machine. As she got there she got really dizzy which didn't go unnoticed by the two firefighters/paramedics. Travis and Vic walked over to her.
"Are you okay?" Travis asked the teen.
"Uh- yeah I'm fine. I'm just tired" Dani explained, as Travis lead her back over to her seat. Travis felt her pulse on her wrist as Vic got her a cup of water.
"Thanks for your help...but really, I'm fine" Dani persisted.
"Okay" Travis said giving in. He stood back up and gathered his stuff with Vic before they left. Shortly afterwards, Dani was joined by a member of staff. After being shown around the home, Dani was left by herself in her room to get settled.
The next day, Dani woke up early and got ready for another day of school work. Due to previous issues at school, Dani is on a reduced timetable – meaning she was only in school 3 days a week instead of the usual 5. However, Dani still had to complete school work and revision on her days off. Dani was in her final year at school and only had a few months left before she took her exams. As she was on a reduced timetable, Dani was only studying 4 subjects – English, Maths, Science and Art.
"Morning Danielle" One of the care workers, Mike greeted, as Dani walked into the downstairs area.
"Dani..." Dani corrected him.
"Right, sorry." Mike apologised.
"You know about my reduced timetable at school, don't you?" Dani questioned, as she grabbed some fruit to eat for breakfast.
"Yes. We have a copy of your timetable in the office, so we know to get you up if you don't yourself" Mike laughed, causing Dani to smile.
"Well, I'm in this afternoon for English as this morning we have free time to collect data for a report thing we're writing" Dani explained.
"Oh, well that sound's fun." Mike noted.
"It's okay...I've got a questionnaire that I'm going to ask some people to answer...I was thinking of stopping off at some shops and near by places like that to ask people..." Dani added.
"That's a good idea. Just make sure you get to school on time" Mike commented.
"I will...anyway, I best be off. I'll see you later Mike" Dani said, as she grabbed her bag and jacket before leaving. She placed her headphones in her ears and started walking. Within the next 2 hours, Dani went to local shops and café's to ask if people would fill out her questionnaire for her English Project which was to write an essay/written report on Equity and Equality.

The Struggles We Face (Book 1 in the Shine Bright Like a Diamond Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora