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I am so happy. Everything went SUPER smoothly

Since what happened to me was a major story in my town the judge already knew what was going on and she already knew that what needed to happen was Tyler and Haleigh to be my parents

Yeah it's weird to say my mom and dad are 7 years older than me and my dad is actually my brother but what people don't know won't hurt them

I really like Haleigh she's super nice and actually likes me

Well I hope

Anyways right now I am on FaceTime with Brandon

He is on tour with the band and while I'm happy he's living his dream I still miss him

"I miss you a lot" he tells me laying down in his tour bus bunk

"I miss you too"

"What did you do today"

"My brother and his fiancé adopted me"

"Wait really so they're like your parents now"

"That's what adopt means"

"Oh my god I'm so happy for you I wish I was there so I could kiss you"

"I wish you could kiss me too. You know I've been very lonely these past days and all I want is a hug from you"

"Aw I'll be home soon I promise and when I do I will never remove my arms from you"

"That sounds nice"

"Hey Chloe your dad is making dinner it'll be done soon" Haleigh says walking in my room

"Hey babe I'll call you back later okay" I say

"Okay bye I love you I'll see you soon"

I hang up and turn to Haleigh

"Hearing you say that makes me happy"

"Saying what?" She asks coming in my room and sitting on my bed

"'your dad'"

"Well he is your dad isn't he" she smiles

"Yeah by the way thank you"

"What did I do"

"You coming in our lives made my life a million times better. You make him happy so I'm happy. You adopted me and now I feel actually loved by people I can call my parents"

"I do love you. Honestly if you asked me 5 years ago where do you see yourself in 5 years I probably wouldn't say marrying the love of my life that I met through waitressing and adopting the girl who introduced us. But I still love how my life is turning out. I'm in love with an amazing guy and I have an amazing daughter"

"You're going to make me cry"

"That's okay cry, cry as long as you want I'll be right here"

I hug her and start to cry

"Hey guys dinners rea- oh what's happening" Tyler says walking in the room

"Just comforting our daughter" Haleigh says with a smile

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