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he sits up and turns to me quickly and suddenly pulling me onto his lap

"so about that turning me on thing"

"I see ive already done that" I say smirking looking down at his pants 

"oh shit im sorry" he says trying to hide it

"its fine you're a guy it happens and you cant control it. but I didnt know I had this much control over you"

"you very much do"

"okay well in that case im tired and im going to sleep goodnight" I say getting off his lap and going under the covers going to sleep.

eventually I feel them be removed and he lays down next to me

"so are we dating again or..." he asks

"I don't know"


"fine I guess"

after I say this I see him smile

"why are you smiling" I ask

"because im with you and you make me smile"

"stop" I say slightly blushing

"no its true im the happiest when I am with you"

"aw you're so cute" I say smiling as well

"I know I am"

"you just ruined it" I say laughing

"well nothing can be ruined for me especially when we're together" he says kissing me

"you really know how to make girls fall in love with you"

"you're in love with me?" he asks

oh no why did I say that. I probably scared him away again

"uh um uh ummm no...maybe...yes... I dont know"

"oh because I am most definitely in love with you"

"well in that case I am" I say smiling as he kisses me again

I finally fall asleep happy that we are together but sad that I might move away from my one source of happiness


right when I wake up I see that corbyn is awake and he's staring at me while smiling

"why are you staring at me" I ask

"because you're cute"

"how long have you been awake?"

"10 minutes"

"You've been staring at me for 10 minutes?"

"well no I woke up went on my phone and then I noticed you were sleeping and I just kinda got stuck staring at you because you look so beautiful and happy and peaceful when you're asleep"

"oh well why didn't you wake up"

"because I could've woken you up or you could've saw me getting dressed"

"I wouldn't have minded" I say in a jokingly flirting matter

"oh really well in that case I might as well" he says smirking and getting up

he gets up and takes out an outfit from his bag and puts on the shirt

soon he takes off his pants and it gets a little bit awkward seeing its just me there with him almost completely naked

"I cant believe your actually doing this" I say laughing despite the awkwardness

"I cant either"

soon enough it is just me and his completely naked body

"oh my god" I say laughing looking at him

"like what you see?" he says smirking again

"eh good be better"

"wow well I beg to differ seeing you are staring right at it"

hes right I was. thats embarrassing

"okay thats enough for you" he says putting on his pants

"aw man over already" I say jokingly laughing

"sorry maybe you would've had more time if you didnt make fun of me" he says winking and walking out of my room

I roll my eyes and get changed myself. after I get changed I take my phone and walk downstairs

"are we going to school early today?" I ask


"wow this is new for you"

"well the earlier we get there the more time we have to talk seeing we didnt yesterday"

"of course everythings about talking with you" I say laughing

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