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they sit down and Corbyn completely ignores me which of course bothers me

"did you finish my project" Christina rudely says to me

"our project and yes I did"

"good we better get an A"

"we probably did it wasnt that hard"

class starts and we hand in our projects

class goes on and Corbyn still ignores me the whole time

class ends and he leaves the room with Christina which definitely means somethings going on and it really hurts

m- thanks for ignoring me

c- sorry

m- yeah sure

c- im breaking up with you

m- oh um ok

c- please stop texting me

m- sorry

c- I said stop texting me

I am so confused and really hurt

m- did you guys know Corbyn was planning on breaking up with me

z- oh no

j- um this isn't a conversation for over text

d- did he really

m- yeah he did and im really confused

j- we have to talk to you me and zach will meet you at your car after school

m- so you knew

j- like I said not over text

*after school*

after school I go to my car and wait for jack and zach

they finally get to me and we go inside my car

"okay so what is happening"

"okay well uhh yesterday after he left your house he kinda went to Christinas and he kinda did things with her and then today he kinda did more things with her" jack explains

"oh um uh oh" I say speechless

"im sorry"

"its okay I guess... so um do you guys want me to bring you home" I say trying not to cry

"we'll walk" zach suggests and jack agrees

"oh okay well um bye" I say fake smiling

I quickly leave the school once they get out of my car and as im driving I drive by corbyns car and him and Christina are making out outside of his car.

I try not to cry and I drive away


"hey Chloe how was your day?" Tyler asks as I get home

"not good"

"oh what happened"

"I dont want to talk about it... is there any chance we can move sooner"

"once we finish packing why"

"I just think im done in this awful place"

"oh okay well can you help me pack my room"


"okay thanks because once we're done with that we can officially move I finished everything today"

"where is everyone else"

"theyre actually already at the new house we brought their room stuff today and they've been there all day getting there rooms back together"

"oh good"

we go to his room to pack and after 4 hours we finally finish

"well I think this is done... do you have all of your boxes together"

"not yet I have to put some things still away"

"okay I think we're going to change the move in time to after this school week is over instead of 20 days. you just have to finish this week of school and we can go by the way I already have a new school for you but I told them you'd start March 2nd so you won't start till then"


I go into my room and put away all my clothes except for the one that im going to wear for the week 

as I put the clothes away I walk by the corbyn box and I start to cry. 

I open it up and take everything out. 

I throw away the plastic bag with all of the 'funny' things he gave me. then I put all of the shirts with in my clothes box because im not going to lie they are comfortable and he doesnt deserve them back. I also take the picture out of the Frame and put it to the side as I take off the letters that say his name because again its a cute frame that he doesnt deserve. I keep the box of pictures because to be honest I actually look good in them

I throw his box away and my room is officially done

I bring my other boxes downstairs and Tyler takes them to the car

"do you want to see the new house" he says smiling 


"good well come with me and ill show you it... you can also put your stuff In your room which by the way has a bed already so you can keep all your bed stuff at the old one."


we go into the car and drive to our new house 

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