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We get to the doctors and they check my head and they see that I have a deep cut in the back of my head which makes no sense because I just fell

"So you have a really deep cut so we are going to stitch it up and you'll have to be out of school tomorrow"
"I don't understand I fell on the ground"
"That's weird because I found a really sharp piece of glass that we will take out before the stitches"
"Oh okay strange"
"Is there any chance there was something broken where you fell"
"I don't know but I can check when I get back"
"Okay that's good"


They put stitches in my head and give me a band aid. I also can't go to school for two days

"How do you feel" Tyler asks me
"Good can we go home now"

We finally leave to go home and I text the boys telling them I want to stop tutoring them after what happened

M- tell Mr. Marais to get you guys a new tutor I'm done with you
C- what
Z- ???
D- why
J- I'm confused
M- you guys caused me to get stitches and I never want to look or talk to you guys ever again
D- why did you get stitches
M- seeing there was a big piece of glass in the back of my head there was a big cut and they had to stitch it back together now never talk to me
C- sorry
M- I especially don't want to talk to you again
C- why me?
M- your girlfriend spit on me and you pulled out my hair
C- it wasn't my idea
M- I don't care

"Do you want to go to dinner with me. You haven't been eating lately"


We get to some restaurant and automatically get seated

Unfortunately, for me we get seated next to a table with 7 very familiar people

I put my head down so they hopefully don't see me.

"Why is your head down" Tyler asks me
"I just see people I know and I don't want them to see me" I say picking my head back up once I'm sure they don't
"Wow so you don't want people to know you're with me your great and most favorite brother"
"You know that's not why" I say slightly smiling
"Hey you're smiling I haven't seen you smile in a while"
"I smile all the time actually"
"Oh I'm sure"
"What I do. I actually smiled this morning so"
"I didn't see it so it doesn't count"
"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes

The waitress comes to our table and takes our order. I can tell that Tyler thinks she's pretty just by how he's looking at her

"You so like her" I say once she leaves
"What are you talking about" he says nervously laughing
"I saw how you were looking at her."
"I was just giving her my order"
"Yeah but you were looking at her like you saw the most beautiful person on earth"
"I mean she wasn't ugly"
"You should get her number"
"That's too scary"
"Oh my god you can do it"
"What if she says no"
"Then we never come here again and you never have to see her. And if she says yes then we come here more often"
"I don't know she probably won't like me"
"Fine don't ask her and don't have a chance of possibly dating her"


We finish dinner and before we leave I see the waitress

"Hi my brother who was sitting there was too embarrassed to say anything but he really thinks you're pretty"
"Oh wow tell him I thought he was very cute"
"Wait really"
"Yeah he was. Can you do me a favor"
"Sure What is it"
"Give this to him it's my number tell him to text me and we can go out sometime"
"Okay I will"
"Have a good day"
"You too"

I walk away and catch up with Tyler

"What took so long"
"Well I got you something" I say
"And what did you get me"
"I got you that girls number. She thought you were cute and told me to tell you to text her"
"Oh wow thank you"
"You're very welcome" I say handing him the paper with her number


We get home and I go in my room to sleep because I am really tired

Before I sleep I check my phone to see what the time is and I see I am in a group message with three random numbers

???- if anyone finds out it was us we will kill you
???- don't even tell your brother
???- you have nerve going out to the same place as us
M- who is this
???- Gabbie
???- Tate
???- Christina
M- oh
G- yeah and if you tell a soul that we were the ones who made you fall we will hurt you even worse
M- um okay
C- by the way no one really cares that you got hurt
M- ok and what was that piece of glass
T- oh that was from your car
M- my car?
T- oh you haven't seen how unfortunate.
M- what did you do to my car
C- you're going to have to look for yourself

What did they do to my car?

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