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I've been at my new school for a while now and i love it

I have a lot of best friends and an amazing boyfriend

The girls that were my "Christina, Tate, and Gabbie" don't hate me anymore and in fact we're also friends

Tyler has been dating the waitress from the restaurant for a while now and are in fact engaged he's really happy which makes me happy

My other brothers want to go back to college cause they had to leave early for me

They are out of Cali which is sad cause I miss them still but at least I have Tyler

In fact the waitress is going to move in soon

Another super exciting thing that's going to happen is Tyler and her are going to adopt me

If that doesn't make sense basically since my parents aren't around for well you know I need parents so the court suggested i find someone I really trust to take care of me and Tyler came immediately to mind

I mean he's been the one person who's always been there for me and the judge actually suggested it and he agreed and asked his fiancé who also agreed

So Tomorrow I'll be adopted and in a month they'll be married

It's going to be a weird switch calling him Tyler to now Dad but I am willing to make that switch

"I can't wait for tomorrow" I say out to eat with Tyler and Haleigh

"We can't wait either" Haleigh says

Oh She found out she could never have children so this was her one chance

"Are you happy?" Tyler asks me

"Happy about what"

"Just in general"

"Yup I am. I finally have friends, a nice boyfriend, and soon I'm going to have an actual mom and dad. Although it is really weird telling people that my dad is my brother"

"They don't need to know all the details"

"After tomorrow do I have to call you guys by your name or can I call you guys mom and dad?"

"You can call us whatever you want"

"I think I'll call you mom and dad. I like that the best"

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