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"ew so hes like in love with you" Tate says once he leaves

"I guess" I say with a slight smile

"thats surprising" Christina says

"yeah weren't you the one that Said he probably wouldn't like me back"

"I never said that"

"yeah im pretty sure you did. I think it was right before you asked him if he was real if I remember correctly"

"whatever he'll break up with you once he finds out about your little secret"

"and what would that secret be"

"oh maybe that you're the reason your moms and jail oh and we cant forget that shes the reason you were raped cause I mean look at you who would actually want to voluntarily fuck you"

"h-how do you know about that"

"oh sweetie you said it on live tv to judges"

"I never knew it was her who made it happen so how do you know that... ive only told 2 people" I say glaring at corbyn seeing as hes one of the only people I told

"did you forget that corbyn is MY boyfriend and he tells me everything even about your sad pathetic life"

"so corbyn told you" I say glaring even harder into his soul

"I-i didnt mean to it slipped" he defends

"and dont worry everyone knows about it and soon your little boyfriend will know too"

"what will I know" Brandon asks sitting down after coming back from the bathroom

"she got ra-"

"nothing" I say cutting her off

"are you sure" he asks suspiciously

"yes im sure"

"you can tell me you know"

"no no its fine just drop it please"

"okay okay im sorry"

"thank you"

we finally finish our uncomfortable meeting and we finally go our separate ways

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