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-after eating-

we pay and leave the restaurant and drive home

"so do you want to come to my house and we can watch a movie or something" he asks once we are getting close to our neighborhood


we get home and go in his house. we walk to his couch and I sit down him sitting down right after

he sits right next to me and puts his arm over my shoulders as he searches for a movie

I lay my head on his shoulder and the  guys walk in the room and sit on the couch next to us as he continues to look for a movie

Brandon rolls his eyes as they come in

"ooo that one"

"no that one"

"ew I dont want to watch that"

"well I do" the guys fight

"guys shut up or go away WE'RE trying to watch a movie"

"like youre going to even watch the movie" nick responds

"what does that mean"

"we all know you fall asleep during every single movie no matter what"

"hey I do that too"

"so technically us being here or not doesnt mean a thing you both will fall asleep"

"just leave" Brandon says getting annoyed at this point

"oh I get it" Austin says leaving everyone else confused

"get what"

"they want us to leave because half way through the movie theyre going to end up making out"

we both roll our eyes at his statement

"actually we want you guys to leave because youre annoying"

"well we want to watch a movie so we're staying"

"fine stay but dont talk and dont interupt anything. got it"

"yes sir" all the guys respond

he finds a movie and plays it

i feel myself starting to drift off to sleep so i get comfortable. i put my head on his chest with my arms wrapped around his body and close my eyes. somehow my leg makes it over his and im half laying on him

"sorry" i say noticing how on top of him i am

"dont be you look absolutely adorable and comfortable"

he kisses my forehead and i go back to sleep

-2 hours later-

"wake up... the movies over" he whispers to me

"im too tired to get up" i mumble

"do you want to go in my room.. or i could bring you home"

"no i want to stay here youre comfortable to lay on" i say causing him to lightly laugh

"trust me my bed is much more comfortable than my body"

"i beg to differ"

"ill make a compromise. we go in my room and sleep and you can lay just like this but we'll be much more comfortable"

"i suppose that is the best option"

"and to make it even better ill carry you to my room"

"okay well in that case lets go" i say putting my arms up lazily for him to get me

he laughs and playfully rolls his eyes picking me up and brings me down the hall to his room

he lays down in his bed and i reposition myself to be comfortable again

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