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*3rd person pov*

Chloe is still crying however she wants to see how corbyn reacts so she's unfortunately still watching

Christina whispers to Corbyn that if he does what she tells him to she will let Chloe go. Corbyn reluctantly replies saying okay and Christina makes him take off her shirt and bra. he cries and does it

*okay I hate writing stuff like this so im just going to say what happens vaguely*

Corbyn is being forced to do this and doesn't want to. however, Chloe is still watching and its breaking her heart seeing that corbyn isn't resisting. she doesnt know that Christina said she can go if corbyn does it without complaining so she thinks he wants to do this.

Christina makes him take off his pants as she takes hers off as well so its just both of them with no shirt or pants on.

Christina makes sure Chloe is watching and makes them walk over to the couch that is right next to Chloe. Christina makes sure that their heads are in front of Chloe so she can watch everything. Christina makes sure corbyn and her are completely naked and puts a condom on Corbyn.

corbyn comes up with a plan seeing that he is on top of her.

his plan is while theyre having sex hes going to try and untie Chloe.

they start and he makes sure Christinas eyes are closed as he unties the knot. he mouths to Chloe that he is going to untie her and that he doesnt want to do this with Christina.

she understands and he continues to untie her. after a little bit of trying he eventually gets one rope undone. he notices that Christina used 10 ropes and continues to untie the other 9

he stops as Christina opens her eyes. she makes him kiss her while theyre having sex because she has a feeling about what hes doing. he sighs and does it noticing that is will be much more harder to untie Chloe.

Chloe is still crying and screaming as she hears the sounds that are coming from the couch beside her.

Christina wants to make sure Chloe can hear all of this loud and clear so she allows corbyn to not have to kiss her. he happily agrees as he knows he can go back to helping untie Chloe. Christina closes her eyes and he continues untying the knots.

he gets 5 more ropes done and now he only has 4 more. however, Christina flips them over so Corbyns no longer on top of her. she smirks and has them stop.

she gets off of corbyn and throws him his clothes

"get dressed and try to untie her. I hope this shows you both that Corbyn is mine and mine only." Christina says pulling the duct tape off of Chloes mouth after she put on her own clothes

"don't touch corbyn ever again and this wont happen again. now go home and finish our project and get me an A" she says slapping Chloe

she walks away to her room smirking and Corbyn runs over to where Chloe is

aye double update anyways I love this story btw I already have like 20 drafts of done chapters

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