745 20 1

"is it umm I don't know gone now" I ask taking out the books from my locker

"not really if anything its worse"

"oh well I don't really know how those things work but I guess im sorry or something" I say shutting my locker

we walk away to normal history and sit down. he looks a little worried as the boys walk in with the girls following behind. Mr. Marais calls me up as usual

"so are you guys dating again" he asks

"I think honestly im confused at this point. like yesterday we weren't but two days before we were and I think we are now"

"oh well also Tyler told me you guys are moving"

"we MIGHT be moving. hopefully we wont but there is a high possibility'

"yeah he said today he has to go fill out a lot of paperwork for the gov and then you guys will hopefully be moved'

"but I don't want to"

"why not"

"its weird but I like it here I guess. I probably shouldnt seeing how awful its been but I do"

"well im sure whatever happens is best. Ty wouldn't do anything that wouldn't benefit you in the end"

"I know thats what ive been telling myself to make me feel better about it"

I sit back down and go on my phone

I see I have a text from Corbyn and it says

c- its still not gone see what you do to me

m- sorry thats not my fault you cant control yourself

c- okay that is very true but you're just too pretty for me to try and control

m- stop calling me pretty

c- oh my god why not

m- cause I know im not

c- if you cant see how incredibly beautiful you are then I have to let you know

m- if you call me beautiful one more time I swear

c- well guess what youre beautiful so what are you going to do about it

instead of responding I kick him really hard and he quietly screams

c- why the fuck did you do that

"um corbyn are you okay" Zach asks

"just fine" he says smiling

m- I told you not to call me beautiful and you did

c- would you rather me lie and call you ugly

m- well no

c- exactly

we stop texting and class starts

After learning a little he says we have a project to do and that he is picking partners

He gives some people their partners and now it's time for my groups partners this could be really bad

The partners he chose are

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