To Kill or Not Kill Dumbledore, That's the Question

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Harry had returned to the Dursley's to find chores galore! Let's see...hmm...EVERYTHING BUT LUNCH WAS HIS CHORE! If he didn't get to a chore fast enough? BAM! Painful scars! But no matter. Harry could tell you that he's rather had have that than what he did for burning their steak. It was terrible. No he dare not tell, he dare not mention it! Now he's twice as fast, doesn't look Uncle Vernon in the eye, and when he's alone he escapes by risking himself Dudley's beating. He was scared! Frightened! Terrified! He's been bitten by a bloody Basilisk before and this seems far more threatening! Why had the boy gotten it that bad? "I KNOW YOU'RE A PANSY BOY!"

He knew what he realized after the many of times he was introduced to females then to males. Hermione and himself played on the same team. Harry had the hots for guys, and he plans to make it uncomfortable for all his fellow students who don't understand how to 'piss off'.

It was now edging towards his birthday. What did that mean? Oh that he was going into his third year. There was a downside, Aunt Marge is visiting. She's worse than Dudley! Dudley! However he rather not think of that large woman. So by was really only a minute. He, like always, was counting every second. He waited by the clock staring at it until one swift movement.

12:00 am

"Happy Birthday, Harry." He said to himself. Just as that happened... BAM! He clutched onto himself in pain. He bit his lip, drawing blood. Oh how that fat man would do terrible things if he screamed so late at night! The seemingly endless torture continued throughout the night and Harry would cough up blood. His eye sight was going odd again. His eyes...that pain! He's felt it before! But where?! It doesn't matter, his whole body is in pain!

It was 6:00 am. He fainted from the pain that surged through him. He stood up, noticing a small bit of height added to him. His skin which had tanned over his hourly times weeding his aunt's garden had paled. He blinked for a moment...he could see! Harry never felt so excited! He could see without his glasses! The world felt clear! New! Perfect! If only...only for a moment! He's dance in glee of it weren't for his relatives. Ordinary he'd wrote to Hermione but she's with her family, traveling she said. He's been looking through her memory. Her memory shown so much happiness and a few oddities.

~Marge comes, insults Harry yadda yadda...~

It was really getting hard for Harry to hear this woman's ranting. Harry just had it when she insulted James and Lily Potter! He spoke out and in nothing but pure seething rage. She went to scold him, pointing her meaty finger at him when...oh no. Her body started to blow up as she started to rise like a bloody balloon. Harry, finding it funny, laughed as his relatives gawked or attempted helping her. Harry decided while they're distracted, to leave. They'd probably appreciate it. You know, time to cool down. He got his trunk and started out towards the park. The lovely park! Harry sighed and he saw a big black dog. He got nervous but didn't know why. "Okay better not jump out at me."

He looked around and sighed...maybe he could...

He reached for his wand but the realized it was stupid and went to put it back. However, for only a second, he raised his wand hand towards the curb. Harry had no idea what he had done but it would get him to the Leaky Cauldron soon enough. The dog from before had gotten closer, sniffing Harry. Harry didn't know how to react so perhaps his immediate reaction could've been better. What if the dog had bit him? What did he do?

He scratched behind his ears.

The dog's hind leg stomped showing he liked it, like a scratch he couldn't reach was finally taken care of. was, actually.

"Aw you aren't so bad afterall." Harry said until he heard something that scared the dog. Was he afraid of cars? Whatever it was he backed away and a vehicle he'd never seen before appeared. A man with a funny accent appeared. He was ushered inside, to which he found to be a bus. The bus guy didn't find it odd although this was more so for older folks. He was muggle raised so needing a place to stay before Hogwarts? Oh it made perfect sense to him! Harry could see a few elder wizards among the beds inside. He said his stop would be the Leaky Cauldron, as apparently he had to explain where he was going. You know, for schedules.

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