Draco, Hermione, Ginny, and a Voice

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"Welcome Back!" The ghost's were cheery towards everyone. "The Weasley siblings look happy, don't you think?" Hermione commented. "Well their Sister is in same house as them; it should be understandable." Harry was a little tired. "Oh, is Rupert okay?" Hermione giggles. "Yes, he's also grown a little. He's nine inches taller and still as cute." Harry laughed at the last part. Yet again Draco and Blaise stared at them. Draco still didn't understand what was going on with his feeling and instincts but he hated Harry for touching the mudblood. However Blaise wanted to drain Hermione, mainly from pure instincts, for talking to Harry. The Double H's were always together and it sucked.

When the feast was over they left to their dorms. Draco happened to notice where Hermione and Harry were going and using the excuse he was using the rest room he followed. No one noticed the sneaky blonde. The Double H stopped in front of a reward and portrait and then heard a whimsical voice say "Harry, Hermione, it is wonderful to see you again! Three moon cycles can be long, can't it?" Blue eyes stared them down. The name "Lyra Dumbledore" was labeled on the plaque. A relative of the headmaster, perhaps? "Not much, frankly, due to us avoiding the press and staying at Mione's place the last two weeks. We did befriend the youngest Weasley when we went to get supplies for school." Harry was calm with every word. It was like an unspeakable charm on his voice had been cast. "How wonderful! Remember my number one advice from last year?" She seemed quite serious about then remembering something. "Beware the old lion's roar," the two repeated. "Yes. I have another rule. Although he may seem noble and true, don't be fooled by the eagle. His charm and greatness is fraud." She stared them down. "Yes, thank you Lyra." Hermione said. Hermione then knew right then that Harry was right, it was obvious who she was talking about.

Draco looked at them oddly. They were friends with a painting? They walked away, saying goodbye to a different painting and this painting winked and said "Remember to have a password by morning dears!"

Before Draco turned to head back, Blaise waiting for him by the entrance, he saw Lyra wink in his direction. He nearly tripped. "I wonder if all you serpents like to sneak around like this." She stated. Draco suddenly was struck with pure confusion. What was this woman going on about? Actually she was a student in the portrait, but she'd obviously be old by now!

"Confused, are you little serpent? What's to be confused about?" She was getting on his nerves. 'Little serpent'?! What was that about?! Even though he didn't have to, he could easily turn away, he asked "How did you..?" She chuckled. "I had a Slytherin who loved to sneak around the castle, discover things, and learned all he could during his time here. He later became very well known to the rest of the wizarding world." Draco was a little off put by that. Who was she referring to? She 'had' a Slytherin? "What do you mean had?" She laughed. "He's not here in the physical plain no longer, he was defeated. By had not only did I mean he's gone, I had technically died before him. My self passed this age well..." she held up her necklace with a ring. A promise ring.

"Who was he?" Draco was only interested cause it was a Slytherin honestly, and she had spoken to Hermione and Harry Potter. No, don't refer to the mudblood by her name you idiot!

"Oh I'm afraid you shiver if I say his name. Even your father, Lucius Malfoy, had." She was very weird but Draco insisted. "Alright. You and the rest of those outside his years here know him by the name Voldemort." Draco realized she knew what she was talking about. He did shiver, he even flinched. "How did you?!" She laughed. "Haha, quite simple really. We were each other's first friend. He was an orphan, you know. He had no idea he was from the Slytherin line and he was instantly enthralled by the idea of being something more than the vile muggles he was raised with. No matter what path he took, I was there. And no matter how he changed, I would only see him as Tom. Now, little serpent, off to bed with you!" She finished and shooed him away.

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