merel (suicide)

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I walked along the path me and Daryl created in the woods towards our hideout.
I was scared to go because me and merel got in a fight about him dropping out of school.
I trudge along the familiar path soon to see the rundown treehouse.
It took months making since we were just kids..

I hear moans and groans as I near. Thinking Daryl finally had a girl I continued my way to see if I could embarrass him.
I climb up the tree( it doesn't have a ladder thanks to merel) I open the hach and climb in only to see the love of my life having sex with the girl that makes my life a living hell.
"Oh merel your so big! Oh merel! Yes!" The girls over exaggerated moans
"My God he ain't that big I've seen it before." The girl screams and jumps off merel as merel is in shock at me being there. "Can you leave know my God Y/N! You ruin everything you worthless bitch!" The girl who's name I forgot screams. I nodded and started to go to the hach. "Aye merel if you want someone who ain't fake to ride your cock you know where I live. Also clean up before you leave."

I climb down only to loose my footing and plumet to the ground.  I grunt upon landing. I get up and run from that hell. I never want to see him again. I run to someone who I know will help me. Daryl. I know it's weird I'm in love with his brother and I'm his best friend. It's whatever though. I knock on the door only to be opened my a very drunk will. "What the hell do you want?"  I look at him not scared "is Daryl home?"
He looks at me and shakes his head "naw that boy went somewhere a few hours ago and still ain't back. Move woman I'm going to the bar." He shoves past me and heads to merel truck. Merels not gonna be happy. But what do I care.

I go to my house. I don't see any cars so I don't think anyones home. Thank God.  I run to my room which is the closest to the woods in the back. I close and lock my door. As I sit on my bed a glimmer of sliver caches my eye. I promised him I wouldn't. But he doesn't care about me. The reason why I'm mad at him is because I told him my feelings and he said I was stupid for thinking he would like me back. I should have known.
I go over and pick up the blade. I knew it was new so it's Sharp.
I put it on my arm press down and slowly drag it across.
One cut. He doesn't love me
Two cuts. He doesnt care.
Three cuts. He will be happy.
Four cuts. There's so much blood.
Five cuts. I'm almost there.
Six cuts. I should stop.
Seven cuts. I can't stop myself.
Eight cuts. What would Daryl say?
Nine cuts. Why me?
Ten cuts. I need to stop.
With that last cut I finnaly made myself stop. I run and unlock my door and go to the bathroom. I try to stop the bleeding but I can't. I pull my phone out and call the first person on there. It so happened to be merel.
I hear a gruff voice
"Hello? Why the hell you call me Y/N?"
"M-Merel... It won't stop..."
"Y/N what won't stop?!?"
"The..the blood... There's so much.."
"Goddammit Y/N hang on I'll be right there and I'll take ya to the hospital."
"You can't..."
"Why the hell not?"
"Will has it... Hes-hes at the bar...."
"FUCK.. Hold on I'll be right there. Ok Y/N."
"Y/N! Dammit. Please stay awake till I get there please I love you."

With that he hung up. Merels never ran so fast in his life. The girl was long gone. Merel kicked her out just after y/n left. He felt like shit. He did love her he was afraid he would end up like will.
He finally made it to the run down house just as Daryl was putting up with his truck
Before Daryl could blink his brother was pushing him into the passenger side and driving off.
"What the hell is wrong with you merel?"
"It's y/n... She's done it again." That's all he needed to say and Daryl was ready to help.

Not long after merel practically stole Daryl's truck they were I front of her house. Her whore of a mother was there. Merel opened the door like he owned the place. "Get out of my house you redneck Hicks!" Her mother screamed.  Nether Daryl nor merel cared. They ran to the bathroom and tried to open it but it was locked. Merel brought his leg up and used an unknown force to kick to door open. And of course it worked.

Norman Reedus images/ One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz