❌were all diffrent❌ daryl

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So in this everyone is different. They have power's. And this is set at the farm.
This is wrote in your p.o.v name im using is Autumn.


We were at this farm thing. Carl was shot and sophia was missing. Just great.

Well everyone is different. I'll go throught and tell you.

Dale. He could turn into an owl. He was wise and could see very far away. And he could hear very well. His eye color was a yellow brown.

Andrea. She could look at you and make you feel pain. And she does it a lot. She can be a bitch and does it to me a lot. Her eye color pink.

T-dog. He could take away pain. The only pain he could not take away was his own. His eye color was a normal brown.

Lori. She could do compulsion.  Wich was she could get what she wanted. And when she wanted it. I think thats how she got rick. Just saying. Her eye color purple.

Rick. He could turn into a dog. Not a wolf a dog. There is a difference. He was fast on his feet. His eye color gold.

Shane. He was just a dick. Yea no special eye color for a dick.

Glenn. He could turn into a lion with wings. Very cool. Eye color bright blue.

Carol. She could turn into a horse. Yea just a horse. Her eye color yellow.

Beth. She could turn into a mouse. Yea just a cute little mouse. Eye color light pink.

Maggie. She could turn into a mountain lion with wings. Eye color bright green.

Hershel. He was a healer. He could heal anything. He had a normal eye color.

Daryl. He could turn into a Dire wolf. A dire wolf was bigger than a normal wolf. Quite scary to. His eye color bright red.

Carl. He was a dog like rick his father. He just had blue eyes since he hasnt turned yet.

Sophia. She was normal like her asshole of a father. Thats why daryl cant find her he uses sent.

Me? Im a wolf. Mine and daryls transformations are diffrent. His bones break and he turns like that. Me? My skin breaks and i forcefully turn. My hair is special. Half is my natural hair and the other half is blue. I know. I was born like that. My eye color. One eye was bright blue and the other was a bright red.

Andrea. Lori. Carol. Shane. Are just the few people who think im weird.

Carol keeps it to herself. But do the rest? No.

Lori she 'forgets' to hand me food. When i ask for some she says im to fat for it.

Andrea she uses her powers to hurt me. She told me if i make a sound she will kill me.

Shane. I will walk past him and he will trip me. He will laugh and kick me then walk off.

My only friend is daryl. He and i were friends wright when the group found out i was a wolf.

I just wish sometimes my dad would have killed me and make every ones life way better. Who needs me? No one does.
We were siting around the fire. Everyone had some squirrel but me. Lori 'forgot' again.

People were talking about there old lives before everything happened.

"Hey freak what was your life like?"

"Dont ask her she probably had nothing."

"Ok...um.... Well i had a older brother. His name was mark. He couldnt walk. He had cebral palsy. My father loved him. I was nothing to him. My mother died when i was born. So. Um when i was 15 somthin happened but ya probably dont want ta hear it."

"Hurry up and finish the stupid story. God."

"Ok. Well when i was 15 mark was sick. So my father took him to the hospital. My father came home alone. Tears all over his face. Thats when the abuse happened. He would yell that its my fault mark was dead. He was just mean. He was a wolf so he would carve things on my skin. And yea im....um im gonna go to bed. Night." i said and with that i went to my tree since no one let me share a tent with them.


It was a full moon so i was in the woods away from camp.

Everyone could control when the turned. Everyone but me.

* if you have seen hemlock grove when peter transforms nust think of that. *

I was on the ground crying only because of the pain.

I didnt know that daryl was watching. He and i got into a fight and he said some thimgs he didnt mean. He had liked me from the first time he saw me.

Once i was done i ate the skin that was once on my body.

My wolf was beautiful. It had red fur with a tent of blue. My eyes were the same one blue and one red.

I ran a round the tree daryl was in. Tryin to find the scent of redneck.

I just hope daryl didnt see me naked in the morning.

So there maybe a part 2 of this. I dont know yet. Only if you guys want one. So yea goodbyes ❤❤

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