=Never forget= daryl

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October 23,

Hey daryl. I hope you had a good day.
Its been hard. Here, alone, in the hospital.
I know its hard. But soon ill be some were better.

I remember when merel had first met me. You thought he would be an ass. But he wasnt. He tried not to curse and was respectful.

Then when you proposed. You kept stuttering and you would say 'shît' and then apologise. I remember merel had a camra and when i said yes he took a picture of your face. He said you looked funny.

We didnt make it to the wedding. I found out i had cancer. They said that there wasnt a cure. Merel was so mad. He wanted to cut of that docters head.

I dont have long left. I can feel my body shutting down little by little.

Never forget what we had. Hell what we have. Dont forget who you are. Find someone who can love you and can tolerate merel. 

I love you, y/n

It had been a year since your death. Daryl cut people off. Didnt open up. It was to hard for him.

Merel was a different story. He was rude and mean. He did more drugs and alcohol.

Then shït hit the fan. Daryl was glad you had passed away a better death than other people. You wouldnt be good in this.

Daryl never let the note out of his site. Carol had been flirting with daryl and he didnt like it at all.

"Hey pookie. I finished my rounds wanna go in my cell?" she asked trying to look hot. Daryl would have tought she was dying if he didnt know she was trying to flirt.

"Look i have a girl. She may not be here physically but she will always live in my heart."

"Aww did little daryl fall in love with someone who didnt love him?"

"Who the hell do you think you are." merel broke in "your a whore who dosnt know when to stop. She did love my brother hell they were going to get married. Have kids. But she had cancer. Didnt make the wedding. So how about you mide your damn business."

She just walked away. Daryl was glad. He couldnt stand her.

Daryl could never forget what they had. He would see her in his dreams. Were they were married. Had kids on the way.

Then reality sets in.

Little by little. Then all at once.


So i made carol the bad person. Sorry. But ill make a merel one and maybe some more. 💚

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