❌a little i love you❌Norman

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Norman. This is wrote in normans pov

Me and y/n were laying in bed after a 'little fun'. I looked over to see my sexy girl had fell asleep, i slowly got out of bed and got dressed.

I wrote a letter telling her i was going to the store to get somethings, little did she know i was going to the jewelry store for a ring.

Once i got to the store, i got out and walked in. I was looking around for one that stuck out from the others. Soon a lady camr over with a 'lot!' of makeup. She gave me a very flirty smile.
"Hi! Welcome to kays jewelry store how can i help you handsome?"
"Well im looking for a ring for my girlfriend ." not looking up from the ring i was looking at. I pointed tward a black ring with a bright dimond on top.
"Ill get that one ma'am." i said nicely.
She looked at it. And nodded and took it out of the case.
"What color box." she asked.
"Blue." i said. Taking out my wallet.
"That will be 600 dollars handsome." she said again with a flirty tone.
I nodded and took out the money and gave it to her.

She gave me back the ring and the receipt.
"Thanks come again... Handsome." she said as i walked out... 'damn i really dont like her' i thought as i got onto my motorcycle and drive off.

Once i got home y/n was still asleep, but i could tell she woke up, because there was a movie on. I looked and saw it was the boondock saints.

I chuckled and got red paint a wrote on the wall 'will' with an arrow pointing at the door. Then in the hall i wrote ' you' and an arrow pointing tward the living room and on that wall i put 'marry me' on it. I put the ring on the floor with candles surrounding it.

I picked up a vace that she didnt like because it was of a 'cock' so i though it at the wall and it crashed into it and broke.

Soon i heard a bed creak. I quickly hid behind the couch.

Soon there was those words.
"YES. norm ill marry you. Just come out so you can put the ring on me."
She said. I could tell she had tears.

I came out and walked over tward her, taking the ring. I looked over at her.
"Which finger." i asked really i forgot which finger im such an idiot.
She laughed and pointed twards the finger. I slid on the ring and kissed her long and hard.

Pulling away she smiled at me and i smiled back.
"I love you norm."
"I love you too y/n"

Sorry if this is bad we have Tcaps all this week. *kill me* so thay may be short. Sorry. Bye....
I may not make new chapters if you have any requests wired or not ill do them.
Bye thanks

Norman Reedus images/ One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن