Still Loving You

Start bij het begin

I propped myself on the bar stool and looked around. This place reminded me a bit of cozy. A calm, peaceful bar with couples hanging around. I left my cell on the bar counter and turned to face the bartender.

"Good evening. What can I get for you beautiful lady?" he said with a gentle tone. Thinking for a while I said "Bourgogne Pinot Noir, please." Chris' favorite wine.

"Right away." he said and walked to the other end of the counter. He came back with a glass of wine in his hand. He pushed it to me on the counter with a mini cheese plate. "Here for the music?" the bartender asked.

"I guess so. They said it was good so I came here I said sipping my wine. It left a burning sensation on my throat as I swallowed down. "They were right. My friend sings here. He's pretty good. He's a Londoner just like you." he said.

"How did you understand I was a Londoner? The accent for sure but I could be from anywhere in England." I asked thrusting my elbow on the counter. "Your manners, your movements. I'm Joey by the way." he said offering his hand.

I saw the ring shining on his finger. "Emily. You are engaged?" I asked. He nodded as he shook my hand. "Third month." he said leaving my hand. "Congrats!" I said smiling. "Thanks." he said and suddenly the lights faded a bit.

"Music is beginning. Enjoy it." Joey said and walked to the other customers. A familiar melody started being played from the dark stage. I turned on my seat with my glass between my fingers.


I propped myself on the seat that was on the dark stage. The other band members took their places. For the first time I was playing with a band. I took my guitar on my lap and started moving the strings. The melody started playing. With my guitar on my lap everything seemed so natural.

I started to sing those familiar lyrics with all the love and pain in my heart.

'Time, it needs time

To win back your love again.

I will be there, I will be there. '


I heard the lyrics. So familiar..just like the voice. The stage was still dark, the weak lights weren't lighting the stage. My insides shivered as I realized whose voice it could be.

'Love, only love

Can bring back your love someday.

I will be there, I will be there. '

With the sudden guitar melody the stage lightened up.

'Fight, babe, I'll fight

To win back your love again.

I will be there, I will be there.

Love, only love

Can break down the walls someday.

I will be there, I will be there.'

My whole body started shivering when I saw that familiar face on the stage. His hair, eyes, lips, movements, body, voice and that sweet accent. The glass slipped down my fingers and shattered on the floor.


I went on singing and suddenly I heard a glass shatter on the floor. Not stopping I looked up and met those eyes. Looking directly at me. Her gaze so deep that it could burn a hole through me.

Her hair, eyes, lips, movements and body. She was right before my eyes. My hands started shivering and shaking. I took a deep breath before I went on singing.

And Then You LeftWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu