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I am his singer he is my mafia
I am his love he is my life
I am his wife his my everything
We're different star existing together
Taking the risk to walk on the same path
Using a powerful weapon called love
Holding desperately onto our newly founded love
Life before you was normal and boring
Slowly opening the door to my heart
Shaking me to the core
Taking me off guard with the sudden feeling
Driving me insane
Though nothing could separate us
It's nature of human
People are born to die
Maybe we were just on ill-fate
Even it I can't share this life with you
I will be waiting for you to come
Covered with dust and soil
Underneath the ground
So we can drive it to the end in the afterlife
Don't be sad if we're separate now
Cause we have another chance
I left you a reminder of us
Which is another life
Don't give up on me
We have a remaining life to spend
Till then goodbye my love.

Poem by: ShukriJilao aka my best friend.

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