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Taehyung POV
I was shocked by her reaction I thought she will be happy to see him
Hoseok:I think they finished talking.
Then we went to the living room and saw them hugging.
Jimin:so you guys done?
Yoongi:ya we're done.
Then she come towards me and hugged me
Somi:thank you for keeping yoongs
Taehyung:it's okay.
Then we broke the hug.
Jin:guys lunch time.
We all went to the kitchen and we started to eat our lunch then we all spend a good time.
Somi POV
Today was the best day ever I spent my whole day with yoongs and the other guys.Afrer I arrived home I got a call from my mom.
Somi:hey mom
Mom:hey sweetie how was you day with your husband.
Somi:mom we are not married.
Mom:yet your not married yet.
Somi:mom why are you calling?
Mom:because tomorrow me you and Mrs Kim are going to buy you your wedding dress.
Somi:mom it's to early for that.
Mom:nonsense it's not early and tomorrow Tae will buy the wedding ring and his tux OK.
Somi:ok mom so see you tomorrow bye.
Mom:bye honey.
After I hang up my phone I took a long shower and sleep.
Today is the day I am going to marry taehyung I was nervous. I was done with my makeup and wore my dress then someone knocked the door it was my parents.
Dad:I can't believe that my little girl is getting married.
I just gave him a fake smile.
Mom:you look so beautiful more than me.
Somi:thanks mom.
Then Jihoon came and told us it was time. I was nervous as hell then we reached to the door
Dad:your ready?
I nodded and the door open and me and my dad started to walk down the aisle then I saw taehyung showing no emotion after we reached to taehyung my dad handed me to him.
Officiants:Kim taehyung,do you take Kang Somi to be your weeded wife to live together in marriage?Do you promise to love her,comfort her,honor and keep her for better for worse, for richer or poorer in sickness and health as long as you both shall live?
Taehyung:I do
Officiant: Kang Somi, do you take Kim taehyung to be your weeded husband to live together in marriage?Do you promise to love him comfort him honour and keep him for better of worse,for richer or poorer in sickness and health as long as you both shall live?
Somi:I d-do
I said looking down
Officiant:I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.
My heart beats started going crazy as taehyung approached me.He lifted up the veil and wrapped his arm around my waist.Then he kissed me for some 20 seconds.We could hear all the guests clapping and cheering.

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