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Six years of loneliness and pain. I still see her in my dreams our babies look exactly like her especially yoona. Her behavior is just like her. My thoughts were disturbed by yoona shouting my name.

Yoona: appa are you okay?
Tae: yes sweetie am OK.
Yoona: are you thinking about eomma?
Tae: yes I am thinking about her how  she would be happy if she saw you and your brother grown up.
Yoona: I know appa.

Then bts and Taecwon come towards us.

Taecwon: appa I beat uncle suga again.
Tae: you did, that's great buddy.
Jin: yoona come on princess let's hi shopping together and buy something pink.
Yoona: okay uncle jinnie.

After they left I was alone then I plan to visit her. I bought her favorite flower and went to the cemetery.
I stood in front of the grave and put the flower.

Tae: hey babe I come to visit you. I hope your happy our babies they are grown. Yoon went shoppers with Jin she is just like you and Taecwon beat suga by a game. I missed you so much. I wish you're here babe I hope your watching over us.

I said my goodbyes then I went to a coffee shop. Then something more like someone caught my eyes she look exactly like her. Her eyes, her nose , her lips look exactly like her. I thought I was imaging then I went out of the coffee shop and started to walk suddenly I bumped into someone and drooped my coffee on the ground.

????: I'm sorry.
Tae: it's okay don't worry about it.
When I look up it was her the girl I saw in the cafe.

???: I know you, you were the guy in the cafe right?
I nodded at her I was amused how can someone look exactly like her.

???: by the way my name  is Sana.
I was shocked same looks and now a very similar name.

???: are you going to tell me you name or what.
She asked with a cute voice.

Tae: sorry  I'm  taehyung. You just reminded me of someone I know.
???: I have that face.
She laughed a little.

Then we did a hand shake. Then that's how I started my love life again. I will remember when one love die another will be born. I will always love you my singer, my love, my everything. I will love always and forever.

                   THE END

Hey guys I hope you enjoy singer for a mafia.  And there will be book 2. Don't forget to vote. Love you guys ❤❤❤💜💜💜. See you on my other books.

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