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Taehyung POV

I wake up from the sun light hitting my face. It's light feel soft on my skin. I look to my right and see Somi sleeping peaceful. I look down at our bodies and see us naked. I smiled remember last night, last night was the best night existence then I went to the bathroom and took a shower after I finished I saw Somi still sleeping I think she might be tired from last night I wore my clothes and went to the kitchen and saw Jin cooking with namjoon.
Taehyung: Good morning.
Jin/Namjoon: Good morning.
Then we saw Jimin coming toward the dining table.
Taehyung: Good morning.
Jimin: it's not a good morning.
Taehyung: hyung what happened?
Jimin: someone was having fun last night so I didn't sleep.
Taehyung: sorry hyung.
Jungkook: Tae really I couldn't sleep last night.
He said pouting.
Taehyung: why?
Jungkook: because let me guess someone was so loud I couldn't barely sleep.
Then we all laughed by this reaction.

Somi POV

I woke up on an empty bed I didn't see taehyung anywhere I walked to the bathroom and did my morning routine and went down stairs and saw the guys except yoongi.
Somi: good morning guys.
Jungkook: morning noona.
They all greeted me and I sit down next to taehyung then we saw yoongi entering the kitchen he looks like he hasn't slept for days.
Somi: yoongs you okay? You look like you haven't slept for days.
Yoongi: I couldn't sleep last night.
Somi: why?
Yoongi: beautiful you guys were so loud.
The others started to laugh I was so embarrassed they stopped when we all hear my phone ringing and it was my dad.
Somi: hey dad.
Dad: hey princess, how are you?
Somi: am good so what's up?
Dad: I would like to invite you and your husband to dinner tonight, will that be okay?
Somi: sure dad we will be there.
Dad: OK princess so see you tonight.
Somi: see you bye.
Then I hang up the phone.
Taehyung: what did your dad say?
Somi: he was to have lunch with us tonight.
Taehyung: OK that's cool with me.

Me and Taehyung entered the car we are on our way to my parents home I was feeling nervous all of the sudden.
Taehyung: you okay?
Somi: ya I'm just nervous that's all.
Taehyung : don't be.
He said and put one of his hand on my thighs. After some minutes we arrived at my parents house then we entered and saw my parents and in laws. Taehyung runs and hugged hid mother. After having dinner we all seat down in the livingroom and they were looking at us with a serious looks.
Mr Kim: Taehyung after six month of marriage we don't see any grandchildren.
I was shocked by what he said.
Taehyung: excuse me?
Mr Kim: we want heirs Taehyung.
Taehyung: dad it's only six month we don't have to rush for babies.
That word always scare me" baby".
Mom: somi-ah I know it's early but it has to happen because our company need an heir to tell the people that we are strong and you taehyung it will be good for you gangs, so guys don't you agree?
Taehyung: yes we agree so wait a little long okay.
They all nodded after we had a little chat me and Taehyung left the house and went home.
Once we reached our room Taehyung suddenly picked me bridal style and took me to our bed.
Taehyung : why don't we give our parents what they want.
He said with a smirk on his face and started to kiss my neck.
Oh God this is going to be a long night I thought to myself. ( you guys know what happened next 😉😉😉😉)

I heard the most shocking news ever.
Kai: your telling me what?
Sehun: sorry boss but they slept together last night.
Sehun: calm down boss.
Kai: don't tell me to calm down.
Sehun: and there parents need grandchildren.
By that he left the room.
Kai: you just unleashed the beast somi wait and see you will never have his baby.
I said takinga sip of whiskey.

I hope you guys enjoy it and don't forget to vote. Love you all.😙😙😙😙

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