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This couple of days somi has no been the same she always throw up at the morning,she always ask to eat something sweet. I am so scared the guys they don't know anything about it I just keep it a secret.

We were all eating breakfast when suddenly somi run to the bathroom and throw up I followed her
Tae: babel let's go to the hospital.
Somi: NO!!! you know how I feel about hospitals.
Tae: but you have been throwing up for days.
Somi:please Tae.
I just nodded at her then Jin entered into the bathroom.
Jin: Tae can I talk with somi alone?
Tae: suit yourself.
By that I left and went to the dinning room.

Somi POV

Jin: somi I know what is happening to you.
Somi: really please tell me.
Jin: it's called morning sickness.
Somi: wait morning sickness that means
He cut me off
Jin: pregnant.
Somi : I can't be pregnant it's to soon.
Jin: cone let's go to the store and buy the kit okay.
I nodded at him. Me and Jin went to the store and bought the kit and went home.
Tae: where have you been?
Jin: we went out for a walk. Lied Jin.
I went to the bathroom and dud the test. I was waiting for a couple of minutes for the result.
Then I went back to check the test and it was

I feel happy but not sure how would Tae react. I went downstairs to the living room and saw the guys talking.
Somi: uhm Jin may I have a word with you?
Jin: okay.
Then we went to the kitchen.
Somi: Jin it's positive I'm pregnant.
Jin: really congrats, so when are you going to tell him?
Somi: I'm scared what if he doesn't want it?
Jin: somi Tae loves kids as much as he loves you so you don't have to be scared to tell him.
Somi: what if he got mad?
Jin: stop worrying yourself he is going to be happy, trust me okay?
I nodded at him and went to our room and I keep staring at the test when suddenly the door opened I quickly hide the test as yoongi entered into the room.
Yoongi : I know.
Somi: know what?
Yoongi: that you're pregnant.
Somi: how did you know?
Yoongi: I heard you talking to Jin and I saw the test,  so when are you going to tell him?
Somi: I don't know how would he react I am afraid yoongs what if he doesn't want it?.
Yoongi: somi he will be happy trust me he loves children especially his own so don't be afraid to tell him.
I nodded quickly.

Then me and yoongi went downstairs and saw the guys watching movies once they saw me they stopped and stared at me.
Somi: Tae I'm pregnant.
Jungkook, Jimin, j hope:WE ARE GOING TO BE UNCLES!!!!!!!!
Still Tae didn't say anything he just looked down.
Namjoon: congrats sister-in-law.
He stood up and walked upstairs. I feel tears coming I tried to hold but I couldn't.
Yoongi: somi go follow him.
He ordered but I couldn't do that I just run out of the house and went to the garden.

Yoongi POV

I saw somi running out of the house.
Jungkook: what are we going to do?
Yoongi: I will talk to Tae, Jin can you talk to somi?
Jin:ok suga.
Then I went to his room and saw Tae crying.
Yoongi: what's wrong are you not happy?
Tae: I am very happy but what if he knows about the pregnancy I can't risk her and the baby's life I can't.
Yoongi: we will defeat them together, now go and talk to her.


I went out to the garden and saw somi and Jin talking she was looking down and nodding what Jin was saying to her.
Tae: Jin can you give us some privacy?
Jin: she is all yours bro.
He patted my back and went inside. I sat next to her.
Tae: hey babe.
Somi: hi
Tae: sorry I overreacted I am so happy your pregnant.
Somi: really your happy?
Tae: ofcourse I am happy I am going to be a dad and the best dad for this baby could ask for.
She quickly hugged me and I hugged her back.
Somi: I am a sacred.
Tae: why are you scared babe?
Somi: because I will never be a good mother.
I was shocked by what she said.
Tae: somi-ah look at me.
I ordered her and she looked at me then I cupped her face with my hand and wipe her tears.
Tae: you are going to be an amazing mother I promise you , so stop crying it's not good for our baby OK.
She nodded at me.


Sehun: a pregnancy test.
Kai: do what ever it takes to get rid of the baby.
Sehun: but boss it's just a baby.
Kai: I am your boss you work for me if I order you to do something you do it understand?
Sehun: yes understand boss.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy Singer For A Mafia and don't forget to vote. Love you guys ❤❤❤💜💜💜

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