"it's funny how guys like me can have feelings."

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- n o t e d i t e d -

- camilo's pov -
I paced back and forth, forcing creative juices to flow out of my brain as I tried thinking of ways to magically swoop inside, get the key, and unlock the door.

But, sadly, the gods controlling over my life wouldn't want it to be that easy. They never seem to stop piling problems one after another and give me a damn break.

Hands around my hips, I froze and stopped walking around.

"I'm not getting anywhere with this," I chuckled, almost laughing at myself even.

The LED light mounted on the ceiling, which was the only light lighting my surrounding, then turned off, and I was left with complete darkness.

The lack of light kind of soothed my nerves though. My panicked thoughts stopped coming, with it being replaced by a forced positive outlook that it's almost going to be morning soon. I might as well sleep for a few hours.

I wearily sat down on the cold marble floor and rested my head against the door of my apartment.

"Sue, if you were here, I'd probably–" I whispered to myself, "ask you to come to me right now.."

"Come and comfort me, Sue. Immediately come to me."

A sigh escaped from my mouth.

"May I be a substitute?" A voice from nowhere suddenly asked.

I reflexively turned my head to the side where I had heard the voice, and although I couldn't see anything, I just knew it was the girl whom I separated from not too long ago.

Alaina wasn't running out of breath, but I could tell that she ran to here from her deep inhales and exhales. The question was why. Why she came all the way here, and why my heart is beating right now when it was just mourning for Suelita a while before.

I let out a small suppressed laugh, and I can hear she did the same. Through the darkness, I felt like I had connected with her more than ever, and her short giggles as she slowly approached me made her cuter than she already was.

She bent down and offered her hand to me, "Like what you said to me earlier, she's not the one you should be worrying for now."

"Then, what should I be worrying about?"

"That's not for me to say."


We were now in my most favorite place in the area: Starbucks.

Since Starbucks was among the few cafés that is open for 24 hours, we decided to head there and let ourselves enjoy a cup of Matcha latte. Because why not?

"So have you decided on anything yet?"
Alaina asked out of the blue before taking another sip of her drink.

"Decided on what?"

"The climax of our act."

"Uh. Not exactly."
I took a sip of my drink as well and continued, "But I figured it should have something that we both can relate to."


I placed the cup on the wooden table that's covered with a simple linen tablecloth. It had the pattern of different geometric shapes, which led me to notice the shape of a heart in its center.

"Like unrequited love."

She looked at me and smiled faintly, "Is your unrequited love that girl Sue?"

"Yeah. It's funny how guys like me can have feelings, though, oftentimes the person we like doesn't reciprocate what we feel."

"What do you mean by—"

"You're asking too many questions. It's my turn now."

"Why do you like Lesley? What do you see in him?"

She seemed as if she was taken aback, but then proceeded to answer it in the most direct way possible, "Because I like him."

"In love, you don't need to have reasons. Why do I like him? What don't I like about him? Those questions are pathetic," she stood up, "you can like someone simply because your heart wants you to, and that's how it was for me with Les."

She picked up her bag, giving me the sign that I should get up from my seat. "Anyway, shouldn't you be more curious about why I returned to you?"

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