"your eyes say it all."

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  - n o t e d i t e d -   

- author's pov -

Camilo quickly moved his hand away from her as someone had emerged out of nowhere, calling out his name.

"Hey, Camilo!"

The two looked at the direction where the voice had come from, and saw that it was no other than Les.

Les, who was wearing a simple sweater suited for the autumn season and a sweatpants, looked just as confused as they were.

"What are you doing in here?"
The two guys said at the same time.

Les slid his hand in his pocket as he took a seat beside Camilo, "Answer my question first.. Wait,"

"I'm not interrupting a date, am I?"

Alaina choked on her saliva, and Camilo glared at him, "No, but if you did interrupt one, you would be in your deathbed now."

He didn't bother listening to his response, and smiled at the girl instead, who was too busy thinking deeply how she got into this mess. When he noticed the bruise on her nose the bandaid was covering up, he immediately showed concern and leaned closer.

"Oh. Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, checking to see if it was really bad.

His concerned look, and the small kind gestures he was making, left Alaina embarrassed. Her cheeks were now so red that she had to look down at the floor.

Thankfully, the food arrived just in time, stealing Les's attention away. She sighed in relief.

"So, Les Maxwell," Camilo took a piece of kimbap, "why are you here again? Our food's not for free, you know."

"Relax. I'm not here to eat," Les replied, "I need to meet someone here."

"Ah, who is it?"


He nodded, and ate another roll as Alaina just sat there, fiddling with her fingers.

From her movements, the boy must have sensed something was bothering her, and that it wasn't the bruise.

"Hey, aren't you going to eat?"

She bit her upper lip, "Ah, I'm feeling a bit sick so if you won't mind.."

She rushed to go to the bistro's bathroom, leaving the two boys confused.

- alaina's pov -

I faced my reflection in the mirror and ruffled my hair.

'Get yourself together, Alaina.'
I thought to myself.

It's frustrating how my actions earlier were so unlike me, and I bet they have sensed something too. But I can't help it.

I have always liked Les.
Everyone knew my feelings for him weren't just something you feel for a friend.
It was only he, himself, who didn't have a clue.

But it was okay.

It was true it hurts liking someone who likes someone else. But what else can I do?
I like him.
And there is probably nothing that can change that now.

"Alexa.. she must be a friend of his, right?" I questioned myself, trying not to show the jealousy I was feeling deep inside.

I walked right back to where they were, and nothing screamed 'WRONG TIMING' more than the second I walked in.

"Lesley! Wow! I missed you!" The girl who was the same height as his shoulders hugged him tightly. They were at the entrance door, and I'm guessing it's because she had just come.

Les hugged back. I cleared my throat, as my eyes tried to look at anywhere but them.
"Why didn't you answer my calls? I was worried for you," I heard him say.

I sat down on the opposite side of Camilo, the other obviously enjoying his lunch.

"Is there something wrong?" He stopped eating, and wiped his lips with a napkin.

"No. Nothing's wrong."

"Don't lie.. Your eyes say it all." He said.
I gave him a weak smile before looking at my lunch. I had no appetite anymore and I just wanted to go somewhere else. Anywhere as long as I didn't have to witness this scene before me.

He looked at me and then at Les, "The girl, Lex, is his cousin."

"Just thought I'd let you in on that-"

"So, it was that obvious, huh."

"Maybe. Sort of."


Thank you for reading 💜
wahh I love how my writing in here is so shitty lmfao, I'm sorry guys. I didn't have any time to edit this chap. so this one was like a rough draft, but it'll get better soon dw

 so this one was like a rough draft, but it'll get better soon dw

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