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I'm at the study of the presidential residence, a room adorned with shelves of books and mementos from around the world. I sat at my dad's desk, surrounded by textbooks and notes. My Dad enters with a warm smile, his presence commanding yet comforting.

"Dad, hey. Thanks for making time for me." Dad glanced up from his desk, his eyes tired but still filled with warmth.

"Always, son. What's on your mind?"

I sighed softly, sinking into the chair opposite his desk. "Honestly, Dad, I've been better. It's just... the whole school situation."

His brow furrowed with concern. "Have you chosen a new school to move to?"

"Not yet, Dad," I admitted, feeling a knot of uncertainty tighten in my chest. "Siguro mag-o-oed na lang muna ako sa ngayon. Pero ikaw na bahala, Dad, kung saan."

Dad's expression softened, and he reached across the desk to squeeze my hand reassuringly. "We'll figure it out together, okay? Don't worry too much about it. Your education is important, but so is your happiness."

I nodded gratefully, feeling a flicker of hope ignite within me.

"Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate it."

He smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a mix of pride and affection. "Of course, son. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're happy and thriving."

Just as I was about to respond, there was a knock on the door.


Before Dad could say anything else, his secretary entered the room, a sense of urgency in her voice. "Sir, you have a meeting in Cebu this afternoon with Sir Reynald, to look at the problem on the farm. I remind you that you might forget."

Dad nodded, his attention shifting to the new task at hand.

"Thank you for the reminder. I'll make sure to be there."

As the secretary left, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. It seemed like Dad was always busy with work, leaving little time for us to spend together.

But as he turned back to me, his eyes filled with genuine concern, I realized that, despite his busy schedule, he would always be there for me when I needed him most.

"All right, Dad," I said with a resigned smile, pushing aside my own worries for the moment. "I'll go get ready for school. Thanks for talking, Dad."

He returned my smile, a silent promise of unwavering support.

"Anytime, son. And if you ever need to talk, about school or anything else, my door is always open." Making me grin.

"Even if you're in the middle of running the country?"

"Especially then." He chuckled. It might surprise you, or maybe not, but my father is none other than the President of the Philippines, Drake Rostam.

Ever since my grandmother passed away, it's been like this. Dad is always busy, and sometimes he forgets he even has a son. But it's okay; I've gotten used to it.

The Billionaire's Daughter (Valeria Series 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon