With you suffering warms me

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"Fine. I'd like to ask you something." He leaned to me not to let Liam hear us. "Please, keep eye on Liam," he whispered. I nodded, wived Stiles who'd just repared the jeep and went inside.  

"Hey," I didn't know what to say. Liam was standing and panting.

"Hey," he replied and sat in an armchair. I went fast to him, sat on a handle and my caught Liam wiped my arm around Liam's back.

"I... I'm sorry, I..."

"Liam," I interrupted him before he came to tears, "I know. You're just tryin' to help. That night in the library it was not your fault. But at least you can see now how important is for you to learn how to control your anger."

He lifted his head to me. I stood up and spread my arms. Liam got up, too and hugged me. And I point out - it was normally for the first time.


"Mr. O'Quinn's classes are canceled for today. If anyone knows his whereabouts, please let the office know immediately," the school radio reported. I ignored the fact that a teacher was missing. I just took my stuff out of my locker and headed to the class.

I went barely a meter before I stopped. In the middle of the hallway, about five meters from me Liam and Mason were standing. When I had to keep my eye on him I couldn't just pass over him.

"Liam," Mason was lowering his voice, "you said you weren't gonna get involved."

"I know," Liam replied while trying not to seem angry. Blood began to drip from his gripped fist. I ran to them, stood right in front Liam and grabbed his shoulder. "Liam," I said quietly, "calm down." Nothing happened. He kept looking forward, like I wasn't even standing there.

"Liam," I glowed my eyes yellow. Liam finally noticed me. He looked at his bloody hands and hid them into his pockets immediately.

I turned my head to find out what pissed Liam off so much. Hayden's standing at her locker. That was okay. A person standing next to her made Liam nervous.

Theo hadn't torn his sight off Liam. His eyes... There was gleeful happiness in them. It made him happy when he could make Liam nervous. He casually looked at me, too. He stopped smiling. He turned from Hayden right in my direction. Also I turned to him. I listened to his heartbeat. It was really fast. He was also breathing fast. It was visible on his shoulders that were still lifting and falling back speedily. Finally he smiled by surprise. He ran to me, hugged and kissed me. I could barely move. He had really tough squeeze.

"MIA!" he was shouting happily, "Mia, you... I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, I..."

"Shhh," I covered his mouth with my hand and smiled, "now we're together." With tears of happiness in his eyes he hugged me more and I kissed him.

"The-a! The-a! The-a! The-a!" half of school was shouting after Theo left.

"Thea?" I asked Liam who was giving me my books back, "what does that mean?"

"That's the two of you," Mason answered, "you know, like Theo and Mia together."

"God," I breathed. I turned to Liam because I wanted to tell him something but he'd already had his own program - Hayden.


Many people were missing in Physics to my taste. But Theo wasn't one of them. He's sitting right behind me.

"Has anyone seem Stiles or Scott McCall," a teacher asked. I lifted my head to her at lightning speed. "Can't be the only one who thinks it's slightly coincidental they're both sick on the same day? And Lydia Martin wasn't in class today either."

Just for you |1| (Theo Raeken FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt