Thanks for getting off me.

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Scott turned and wanted to go away, but I stopped him: "Scott!" He returned. "Thank you." 

 I was lying in the bed and reading my Biology book. We should have read something for next day and despite my hobbies I wanted to keep my school benefit good. 

My mom knocked on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. 

Mom came into my room with some good news - due to her face. But when she saw how I's lying she put her hands on her hips and went ahead: "Dear Mia," I turned at her again, "first, sit, please, normally." I closed the book and sat normally. Because before, when I was lying in my favourite position, first thing my mom saw after coming in was my butt. And what. I like my comfort.

"And second," she continued, but now her arms were folded, "you've got a visitor." She came out of the room, instead of her my afternoon program came in. 

"Theo?" I stood up from the bed like a flash. Theo didn't move. He was just standing there in the door, his hands were behind his back and on his face there was a smile. I made a step to him. Theo followed my move, but his step was slow and careful, nevertheless self-confident. 

"Hey," he said after a while, a smile was still shining in his face.

"I hope you came to stud-"

"If you wanted to ask me," he interrupted me, "if I came to study, then yes, believe it or not, but I came here to study with you." My muscles didn't allow me to move just a bit. Theo didn't for a command. He circumvented me and lay on my bed exactly how I lay there two minutes ago. 

I turned at him and with incredulous sight folded my hands. I was watching him brogsing some page. When he found it he turned at me and patted free space on the bed next to him, "are you gonna study or not?" He didn't have to tell me twice. With arms stretched in front of me I jumped to Theo on the bed. Leave your comments, please. Thank you. 

Theo began to read me, then he asked me something. His sight moved from the book to me. "What's wrong?" he asked incomprehensibly.

My head stopped supporting my head. I took my phone and began to browse him to avoid Theo's sight, "nothing. I'm just surprised Theo Raeken's studying. And I'm way more surprised he's studying with me." 

I looked him. He put the book away and was getting closer to me. He lay above me. I knew what he wanted to do. So I just let him kiss me, but right after that I roll him over and lay on him. I was listening to his heartbeat because my head lay on his chest. 

Theo lifted up a little and leaned against with his elbows. "Looks somebody's tired," he grinned when he saw my eyes were closed. He began to stroke my hair. I leaned with my hands against the bed and looked right into his face. But before I could have done somethins, he hugged me. In a while I was sitting and he was kissing me again. I put my arms around his neck and he put me on the bed. He had complete control over me. In that moment he could have done anything with me. I grabbed his shoulders to stop for a while. He looked at me cofused and kinda guiltily, too. I started putting his sweatshirt off. When he realized my plan he smiled at me gleefully and put his lips on mine again. 

My phone beeping interrupted this nice moment. Now I was waiting only for one thing - if Theo stops or ignores the beeping. Without my knowledgew he grabbed my Biology book and jumped off me on the other side of the bed. Under his weight the bed springed a bit. He opened the book and while looking into it he stood up. He began to rad again. I was watching him confusedly. 

Suddenly someine knocked on the door and without any hesitation came into my room. Theo stopped reading and looked at my mother who was alternately looking at me and him. Theo smiled. But he was the only one smiling in that room. My brain was fucusing on one thing: Thank you, Theo, for getting off me. Honestly, I'd never thought I would ever say something like this.

Mom finally smiled at Theo, went behind the door and brought us a troy with cookies and two glasses of milk. When she wanted to put it on the table, Theo threw my book and came at her fast by saying: "Mrs. Holloway, you didn't have to... Here, I'll help you..." Happy mom gave him the tray and he put it on the table. 

She wanted to leave, but she turned at me, "Mia!" I lifted my head to her. "I wanna talk to you for a sec." I went to her past Theo. He just grinned and whispered: "One point for me." 

I went outside the door with my mum and rather closed the door to keep Theo from unnecessary inconveniences. I didn't realize he's a werewolf and door isn't any obstacle for him.

"So, Mia," mom started, "who's this boy?"

"That's Theo, mum. Theo Raeken."

"I know. He's already introduced. But I feel like I know him... Anyway. I was worried. You've never brought anyone home, any friend. I've never thought first unfamiliar person coming here would be my seventeen years old daughter's boyfriend..." She almost began to cry. 

"God, mom... Theo's not my boyfriend. It's just a blockhead that needs to help with Biology."

"Mia... I'd love to have grandchildren! However, this Theo semms to be a really nice guy. And sorry for interrupting you like that.  I was just worried what you were doing. But now when I know how nice he is, you can have sex and I'll let you be..."

"DAMN, MOM!" I yelled. It really wasn't pleasant to listen to this. "Please, I've already told you he's not my boyfriend, that it's just a friend, and please don't talk about these things with me. Thank you." I gave her a kiss on her cheek and turned to go back to my room. 

"You know, Mia," mom stopped me, "okay, maybe he's just a classmate, but if he ever wanted to come for dinner, we wouldn't mind."

"Perfect. Thanks, mom," and annoyed I came back to my room. 

Theo with impish smile he was standing right in front of me, "a dinner sounds good."I came to him and pushed him sown on the bed. Then I took my Biology book. 

"So... just a friend, right?" he asked. I froze. Holy crap. He heard our whole conversation. 

"And? What would you be then?" I asked him, but I wasn't looking at him yet. I was standing back to him and I was browsing my book laid on my desk. 

Theo began to speak again while he stood up and went closer to me, "Well... Call it whatever you want. Secret admirer? Love from childhood? A dream come true?" During his last words he came right behind me, grabbed my waist and squeezed on me a little. I turned and looked right into his eyes. I was leaning with my palms against the table. He wanted to kiss me, but I realized I'd got a message. 

"And I want you to know," Theo stared, but I devoted myself to my phone, "I didn't get off you because of the message. No. I heard your mom coming upstaris. And... I also heard your whole conversation." I was perceiving him throughout. Pretty well. I just didn't want to seem nervous. 

Stiles texted me: *You really won't come?* 

*I really won't. Sorry,* I texted him back. I put the phone away and was fully devoting Theo again. He was standing right in front of me again, "who was that?"

"Stiles. He's asking me if I really didn't want to come with him and Scott to police station."

Theo froze. It was first time this afternoon he stopped smiling. His serious face showed up, "to the police station?"


"Haven't he mentioned some... Donovan?"

"Ehm... no. He and Scott were just asking me to go to the police station with'em."

Theo thought for a while, then he asked: "And don't you wanna see'em after all?"

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