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It was so hard to hear that. But at least I saw our keeping secret was succesful. Although, it should have ended after two days.

*Don't you wanna come to animal clinic? It's kinda important," message from Scott was sayin'. I was lying on my bed. I had free time whole afternoon and last days I neglected Scott and whole pack after all, so I got up and went to the animal clinic. I walked, I needed some fresh air.


When I came to the clinic, horrible roar and noise was coming from inside. I went inside. I couldn't have believed my eyes. 

Deaton, Scott, Stiles and Malia were lying on the floor and some girl was standing next to me. Her face was half-scaly and she had a tail. She stratched me with it and I fell down. I couldn't have moved.

"Mia? Is that you?" Scott yelled. 

"Yeah, that's me."

"Well, it seems we've got a plenty of time to explain you what you've just seen now," Stiles joined him.

"Guys, leave me alone. Please. It's been too much for me recently."

Later I heard another noise. "What's happenin'?" I shouted. Running Malia was answer for me. She left immediately. It was quiet again. Person I wanted to see least interrupted the silent this time.

"Mia..." Theo sighed. I looked into his eyes. They were filled with concern. He got closer to me and began to help me get on my feet, but I stopped him: "Don't worry about me. There you've got work." I couldn't have beckoned with my head or point with my finger, but Theo understood where to go.

"What'd you say, Mia?" Stiles yelled.

"That you need help," Theo answered instead of me and started helping them on their feet. Last words I heard from that room were Deaton's: "This is Theo?"

Scott and Stiles ran away after a while, well Theo returned back to me. He stretched his arm, but I couldn't have moved. "Sorry," he offered himself, "I'll help you."

"If you care about me," I started, "then you'll stay here and help me. But if you love me and thus you care about things I care about, you'll go and help those two fools."

I was waiting for his reaction. In a tear in his eye he kissed me and smiled. "I've already chosen," he said, "now it's your turn." And he left.

Deaton came to me. Slowly, but he did. He wasn't all right yet. He sat next to me and began to talk.


Next day I was avoiding everyone at school. No exceptions. Well, Biology was a turning point. Lesson, where I had to share one room with Kira, Scott and... mainly with Theo. Fortunately last free seat was next to Sydney. I sat to her, she just smiled at me. I wanted to talk with her, my mind and eyes were focused on Theo. And more focused on a girl sitting next to him. I was more than sure went after him. But, to be honest, who wouldn't like Theo. 

Girl's target hasn't just looked at her even once. He was watching me whole time. On the contrary I tried not to look at him so much. Unsuccessfully. But he hasn't smiled. 

"If 99.9% of our DNA sequence is the same as other humans," the teacher started, "what could account for the missing 0.1% difference? Theo?" 

Theo finally stopped looking at me. "Ehm... nucleotides," he answered. The girl next to him began to lean on him, but Theo pushed her away. She offended and didn't talk to him then. Theo turned back to me. I smiled at him, he surprisingly reciprocated it to me.

"Ascribe another point," I whispered because I knew he was listening to me. He smiled even more and made a comma into his notebook. I began to laugh a little.

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