Chapter 14

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I woke up in pain on a couch. I look next to me to see Corl and Denis.

"Morning sleepyhead" Corl slightly smiles at me. I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Someone's cranky" Sub Laughs while walking into the room. I glare at him considering the only reason I'm even mad is because my house just fucking caught on fire.

"Really?" Is all I say to him and he just gives me a confused look.

"Dude her house burnt down" Denis turns his head behind him to face Sub. Dubs expression changed.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry y/n!" He walks over and sits down next to me.

"Whatever" I say putting my head back.

"I just don't know where to stay. You guys obviously don't have room" I say pointing out the fact that I just fell asleep on the couch.

"Ask your boyfrienddddd" Corl says raising his eyebrow and smirking.

"He's not my boyfriend" I throw the pillow that's behind me at him. 

"What're you talking about" Denis laughs.

"Nothingggg" I roll my eyes and lean back on sub who's sitting behind me.

"She definitely likes Sketch" He laughs causing Sub and Denis to snicker.

"Really?!" Denis asked. My cheeks turn red and Sub bursts out laugh.

"Ughhh" I cover my face in embarrassment.

They continue to taunt me and I plug my ears and try to ignore them.

"STAHPPP" I scream and start to laugh.

"Y/n and Elijah sitting in a tree" Corl starts

"Bitch don't continue singing that. So help me I will walk out and leave" I laugh. Corl smirks and raises his hands in defense. Right when a I think they'll stop, Sub whispers in my ear from behind me

"K I S S I N G" I stand up and walk to the door.

I jokingly wave goodbye before actually walking out the door and leaving like I promised.

"Where'd y/n go?" Alex walks into the room to see all the boys sitting there.

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