Chapter 11

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I woke up confused of where I was. I turn around to get a view of the room. I see Elijah asleep next to me in his room. I smile and lay my head on the pillow, facing him.

"Good morning y/n" He smirks and opens his eyes. I awkwardly look away and pretend I wasn't looking at him.

"How long have you been awake for?" I giggle.

"Since you first turned around to face me" My face turns a deep shade of red and he just laughs. We both get up and Elijah walks downstairs.

"Im wearing one of your hoodies. I'm cold" I say going through his suitcase of clothes that he has yet to put away. He nods and walks downstairs. I grab his iconic pink and white hoodie from the bottom of his bag.

"CAN YOU GRAB MY YELLOW ONE?!" he yells from downstairs. I laugh and grab it and I walk out of his room and downstairs to find him in the living room with Ethan.

"Take it loser" I joke, throwing the hoodie in his face.

"Thanks" He says sarcastically and I just laugh and sit down next to him and Ethan. 

"Wanna do something today?" I ask and they both nod.

"Can Amie come?" Ethan asks looking down at his phone. I nod and he agrees to hang out with us. Amie and I have talked before. We're friends but we aren't that close. She's really nice though and I like her.

"Where should we go" Elijah asked. I shrug my shoulder and look at Ethan. He looks up from his phone and stares blankly at us.

"What?" Is all he says which makes me laugh.

"Oh. Um. there's this new place that has laser tag and stuff. We could go there?" he suggests. Elijah nods and I get really overexcited. We grab all our stuff and Ethan drives to pick up Amie.

"Hey" She says smiling at us while she gets in the passenger's seat.

"Hey" i smile and Ethan drives us to the place. All three of us talk during the drive except for Elijah who just stares out the window the entire ride. I dont know if somethings wrong but now definelty isnt the time to ask outloud.

y-Hey you  ok?

Sketch- yea. How come?

Y-idk you just haven't talked at all

Elijah- oh. Well im fine. Just... the thing

Y- oh yea. I have a question

Elijah- whatsup

Y- How did you get your "Youtube act" thing? Like are you mocking someone or just acting?

Elijah- I guess I just copy what Sub does when he isnt know hwo hype he is lmao

Y- Wow I never really noticed the similarity. Thats so weird

Elijah- it is.

Y- listen, It isnt your fault

Elijah- I think it was my mom. That caused me to be this way.

Y- Maybe that was the trauma thing. I mean you kind of watched her die

Elijah- Yup

He put down his phone and continued to look out the window as we approached the building.

"Yayyyyy" I jumped out of the car and ran to the other side to grab Elijahs hand and drag him the the entrance.

"Wow" I say as Ethan and Amie walk up behind us and we enter the glow in the dark lobby. We pay to get in and the man leads us to the room where we'll be playing laser tag. He sets us up with the equipment and laser guns.  This probably isnt the best activity to play with Elijah. One time I was recording with him and he fell all the way to the bottom of the map in the game and lost and he broke his computer in anger. Thats another thing about sociopaths. Page 3 of my essay talks about how sociopaths can have trouble with tantrums and anger issues sometimes. They only want to do something if it benifits them. Though this is true, I shouldnt say this becaus I honestly dont even know if hes a  sociopath. The man leaves the room and starts the  1 hour timer.

"Ok so lets have 10 seconds to each hide somewher and then we attack" Ethan yelled. I ran to the far back of the room. Little did I know Elijah was following me.

"10" Amie screams and I start to run to the center but before I can make it five feet Elijah comes up behind a wall and shoots me.

"HEY" I scream and I shoot him back.

"Bitch" He laughs and he starts to chase me. I make it to the center where Ethan and Amie are attacking Each other. I shoot both of them and they both just looked and started to shoot me.

"This is unfair" I laugh as all 3 of them continuously shoot me while they surround me. I start randomly shooting each of them. We play for a while more before an alarm goes off and the man comes back down.

"Oh wow" He says looking at how bad I did compared to everyone else since they all ganged up on me.

"That was so unfair" I laugh and jokingly glare at Elijah whos smirking.

"Im especially disappointed in you dude. Your supposed to gang up on them with me" I laugh and Elijah just jokingly rolls his eyes.

"You would've done the same" He says raising his arms in defense.

"I can't argue with that" we all laugh and leave the place after we take off all the equipment.

"That was fun. Ooo was this a double date?" Amie turns to me and jokes as we walk to the car. I shrug my shoulders and laugh at her reaction.

"I don't really know to be honest." We look over to see the twins walking weirdly to the car. We both roll our eyes and laugh.

"Boys. Am I right?" She laughs and we finally get to the car. We drive to my house and they drop me off since I have to go home to film anyways.

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