Chapter 3

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It's now 1:30 and i have to write my essay. I walk to my room and sit down at my desk, turning on my computer. I spin around in my chair waiting for my tabs to load. The document loads as my text appears on the paper. I scroll down to where I left off. Page 8.

There are many signs to look for when you believe someone is a sociopath. Along with loss of emotions, they can also be extremely calm in serious situations. For example there could be a deadly situation unfolding right in front of their eyes and they wouldn't even comprehend what's so scary about the situation.This can be dangerous for not only people around them, but to themselves as well.

"Jeez Elijah could be a sociopath" I murmur referring back to what had happened today. Oh come on, I was just joking..although he does act like one sometimes. I write about 1 page for the day and I decide to stop since i only need 1 more page and I'm not really in the mood to work. I switch to a different tab and I start to edit a video.

Incoming call from Alex... appeared on my screen. I move my mouse over to the accept button and I answer the call.

"Hey" I say and he smiles at me.

"Hey" He says after his face cam takes a few seconds to load. If you couldn't tell, Alex is one of my best friends in the group. I don't know why, I just tend to tell him more about things and we seem to bond more.

"Whats up"  I ask, putting my feet up on my chair and spinning.

"I don't know, you just seemed out of it yesterday." He says and I stop spinning.

"Between you and me.. Elijah was just acting weird. I don't know.. its just I was paying more attention to his face cam during filming yesterday. He kept a straight face during the whole video unless someone else laughed. I don't know how to explain it. It was like he didn't really know how to laugh. It was like it was fake." I try to explain. I see Alex smirk and I just roll my eyes knowing what he's going to say.

"So you were paying attention to his face cam?" He asks while smirking.

"Ugh Alex stop. If you think its like that, it's not" I start spinning around in my chair to avoid looking at him. I used to like Elijah for about 2 years. Alex was the only one who I ever told. I never really stopped liking him, don't get me wrong I still do. Its just I kind of gave up. He starts laughing, making me laugh.

"Stopppp" I whine and he puts his hands up in defense. We continue to talk for a few hours before we both hang up and go to sleep.

Sociopath- Sketch x reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant