I keep trying to call Alex's earpiece. I did not see that in his room when I searched it. It gave me hope that there was a way to contact him. After calling him more than ten tries at different times, that hope diminished. I try to call again out of desperation, yet once again it goes straight to messages after one ring. Unlike Alex, when someone calls me I pick up on the first ring.

 "Monica, have Lucis scan Alex's room," Tony instructs me after I answer his call.

 "What should I have him scan for?" I ask as I grab a portable scanner.

 "Everything: fingerprints, traces of radiation, unusual foot indentions in the carpet, DNA samples, whatever he can find."

 "Will do," I hold the three metal balls in my hand as I walk down to Alex's room and end the call.

 I slowly open the door to Alex's room like I am expecting him to be in there. Nonetheless, the room is unoccupied. I roll the three shiny balls to the middle of the room. Part of the orbs slide open to reveal a few sensors and the lasers that scan the room. Bright blue beams trace every centimeter of the room. I exit the room to grab my tablet so I can see results of Lucis' scan. I hold the glass screen in my hand, awaiting the results as I walk back to the suspected crime scene. I notice one of the spheres takes extra time scanning the floor under the window. I cock my head as another carefully scans the space around the window.

 It is another ten minutes before the scan is complete. I anxiously check through the results. There is no indication of gamma or toxic radiation, no trace of any hair or other DNA, and no scuffs or signs of a fight. Thankfully, there are also no stains of blood.

 But what the scan did find makes my breath hitch in my throat.

 There are extraordinarily large and deep dents of feet pressed into the carpet. I walk over to where the indents are. I do not even need to use my tablet to locate them; I can see them with my own eyes. The pair of footprints is subtle enough where if you were not looking for it directly you would not notice it, but they are certainly there. I bend down and run my fingers over the pressed carpet. I personally study the evidence as I wait a moment for further results load onto my tablet. An almost lucky break happens: our mysterious visitor was not wearing shoes. Conversely, he does not have human footprints. The pattern of the three-toed creature doesn't match one of any human.

 I ignore my mom's questions as I dash through the living room to the elevator. I go up to the top level, which is Tony's personal office.


 "You might want to come look at this," Tony looks closely at his computer screen. I hold off telling him about my discovery as I walk over to his desk. The security footage of Alex's room is pulled up in front of him. "Okay, at 2:19 we have Alex entering his room," Tony begins to play the video. We watch as Alex takes a few steps into his room as he heads for his bed. He lays down under his covers, but before he even closes his eyes he freezes. Before the camera can see what Alex sees, the feed cuts out. The camera goes black.

 "What happened?" I feel my stomach drop as I am unable to comprehend the tragedy.

 "I don't know, all of my security cameras blacked out. Jarvis can trace no virus of a hacker or any malfunction," Tony grumbles, "But see what happens when we fast-forward the video five minutes..."

 I stare intently at the computer screen as the feed come back on. Though, now the room is completely empty. Alex has disappeared with no other clue. Whatever had entered Alex's room and caused his frightened look has to be the cause of his vanishing. This was the moment of the kidnapping.

 "I found this in his room," I send the results of the scan to Tony's screen.

 "What the...?" Tony looks even more confused as he sees footprints of an odd skin pattern, "Does it match Thanos'?"

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