Chapter 7

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The next morning I sleep until noon when Callie comes banging at my door.

She barged in thanks to Callie's busting doors skills, she and Brandon walk in.

"Noon... fucking noon!" Callie screams opening my drawers to pick out a bathingsuit. "Do you realize that I've already been awake for five hours?! That's right I went to practice from seven to nine, then got breakfasts with Tracey, then took a shower, cleaned my room, and made Brandon and I turkey sandwiches. And I did this all before you even woke up"

I cant help but laugh under my covers and I know Callie is laughing too.

"Ugh put this on you dork" Callie laughs. I sit up and put on a royal blue triangle bikini. It covers me and it isnt "slutty and stringy" as Callie would say. It has a cute knot in the middle and on the hips to keep it coordinated. I slip it on, brush my teeth, slap on waterproof mascara, and I'm ready.

"Got any more of those Turkey sandwiches?" I ask Callie.

She rolls her eyes and Brandon throws me my favorite harvest nut granola bars.

"Let's do beachside pool today" Brandon says. We hop down the stairs and race eachother outside like little kids. Callie and I run through the building while Brandon takes the side exit. He ends up beating us.

"Ahh winner as usual" he puts his towel on a beach chair and cannon balls into the pool.

Callie and I laugh at his childish display and Callie joins him in the cool pool.

I look around, theres young couples, old couples, older families with teens and tweens, a lot of adults in big groups and college students in big groups. This isnt the kind if resort that parents would bring they're four year old child to so they can play with dinosaurs in the water. It's a bit more classy.

Before I hop in the water I notice a couple of hot guys sitting in the shallow end drinking out of their water bottles that are probably full of beer.

They look about eighteen and nineteen, a little old but undoubtedly sexy.

Most of the guys my age are skinnier, shorter, and dont have the chizzled adult looking face these guys do. That's how I can tell they're older.

I want to avert my gaze to the junior boy tanning behind me. Hes tall and skinny, but it's a cute skinny. Like a basketball player skinny. Hes not super tan but he pulls off the pale.

The tall skinny one should be the one I go after bit the second the older guys make eye contact with me, I know I want him more.

I grab my water bottle and do a little swim over to them.

"Fill me up?" I ask one of the boys holding my cup close to their face.

"What? How did you know?" They laugh.

"Nobody makes the faces that you were making when they drink water" I smile.

"Well maybe water makes me happy" one of the smiles.

"Well if something as simple as water makes you smile I wonder what it would take to..." i dont finish my sentence. I'm gonna let them fill in the blank with whatever sexy sentence they want to put there.

"I'm Jason, this is bryce" he says.

"So how bout it?" I ask holding out my bottle.

"Oh you dont want this nasty beer" he puts his bottle down and leans forward. His shoulder just seem to grow with muscle, I know hes flexing. I know hes flexing for me. "But if you come by my room later tonight I'll show you what really makes me smile" he says.

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