Chapter 2

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6:30 a.m. kill me now!!

I open my windows to the cool ocean breeze.

I see a few old couples starting their morning walks but besides that the resort is pretty empty.

Just wait, in two weeks when all the schools let out up north, this place will be crawling with families, couples, teens, and kids.

I pass the gym floor and head down to the lobby. It's a sort of split level floor plan with a small dining area for breakfast being a floor up from the rest of the area. The white pearl staircase on the right side of the lobby is always a joy to walk up. The dining area is half inside half outside and has glass walls for the perfect view of the ocean and the rest of the resort. The elevators are also of the left wall and the stairs come out on the right wall. Theres are lounge chairs and booth that scatter the front of the lobby and the receptionist desk is in the front right. The center of the room is pretty basic with a big round table with a bouquet of flours covering it. Behind the receptionist desks is a hallway that leads to offices, one of them being my dad.

Its huge it has a couch, a TV, Keurig, fridge, its basically a mini apartment.

"Hey dad!" I walk into his office and make myself a hazelnut coffee.

"Hey Ari" he says looking up from his paperwork.

"You know some people say that sleep is supposed to be really good for you" I joke.

"Is it that obvious"

"That you didn't sleep last night? Oh yes your eye bags are a while new level. It looks like your having an allergic reaction to that paper or something."

"I might have to tell that to my boss just to get me out of it" he jokes sharing my coffee.

"Hey that's mine!"

"15 year olds dont drink coffee"

"They do I they have to wake up at 6:30 to go somewhere they dont want to go"

"Have fun at school" he kisses me on my head and sends me off with my coffee"

I grab the car keys and head out the door.

"Bye Marissa" I say to our receptionist. She works morning shift then Alecia works afternoon and Brad works night.

I make my way out to my car where Callie is waiting for me.

"Here" she tosses me an apple.

"Gross I want bacon"

"Do you want a hot summer body or bacon? Cause I can guarantee you cant have both"

"Come on one day of bacon isnt goimg to cost me a while summer"

"I'm not calling you out of shape or anything, I just know that I would want you to look out for me if I ever started eating junk" that's Callie's way of saying fat I am eating junk food and I need to lay off before I'm rocking a one piece this summer.
But Calle is way too nice to say that. At school she's the nice girl, she gets along with the cheerleaders, artists, nobodies, needs, athletes, literally everybody. I'm the less social friend, I've tried to be nice to all the cliques and I really did try to fit into one but staying in one place never appealed to me with friends, in fact Callie and I probably wouldn't be friends if we didn't both live at the resort, but I'm so grateful we live here and we're best friends, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

But yes, unfortunately I did have a weight problem back in the day.

I had a pretty bad awkward phase when I was twelve I got chubby out of nowhere. I knew callie was a real friend cause she stayed with my even with acne and arm fat. By the time I was fourteen the fat was long gone. I dont mean to toot my own horn but I'm a total babe. I'm always outside so I'm super tan and my hair is perfectly golden blonde. I also spend a lot of free time in the gym. Since its always way too hot for me to run I lift weights so I've got a killer muscly physique. I'm not super buff and toned, I have a thin waste with a small four pack resting on top of it and skinny arms with some serious definition. My thighs have always been thick, I thought squats would make them thinner but instead of got a killer butt and thicker thighs. I'm not super tall, like 5,6 I haven't measured myself in forever.

Callie on the other hand is a strong 5,8 with long skinny legs from running all the time. Shes one of the fastest girls I know she literally runs all the time. She doesn't have much of a butt or boobs because of how much physical activity and training she did when she was a kid. Bit shes still drop dead gorgeous with her brownish blonde long hair and perfect teeth that never had braces unlike me.

"Ooh I found this new smoothie recipe I want to try tomorrow you want me to bring you some? It has like four superfoods in it"

Forgot to mention, callie is a super health freak and so is her mom. Honestly as long as I've known callie shes been this way. She has always been so serious about her running and her mom tried to support her by helping her with her Diet, you know feeding her lots of protein, fruits veggies, and trying to make her enjoy it. I dont think callie has ever had French fries and she probably never will, at least not while her mom is still living. Over the years as callies gotten better and better her mom has made her diet stricter and stricter. Callie knows it's good for her and of course she enjoys how it makes her feel but everyone needs ice cream. Sometimes we get lucky I'm able to sneak her some gelato.

We finally get to school, park, and walk inside.

"One things I'm not gonna miss over summer break is that forty minute drive"
Callie says.

"Wouldve been thirty if you let me drive"

"Do you have track today?"

"Yup every day after school, track meets Saturday mornings, and 6:30 a.m. Monday thru Thursday in the summer starting in July" she smiles

I dont know how Callie can smile about having to wake up at 5:30 a.m. every day in the summer! But she does it, she never has complained about it. Shes pretty serious about her sports. Growing up she did soccer, softball, and basketball.

Fortunetaly once she entered high school she narrowed it down to just basketball in the winter, and track in the spring.

The bell rings dismissing us to class for the last time this year.

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